popping drummer

Kale 2022-04-23 07:01:06

Of the films nominated for Best Picture at the Oscars last year, this has to be my favorite because it's so kinky.

The outline of the story is very simple, the drama of a jazz drummer and a devil mentor falling in love and killing each other. But the whole play is full of extreme attitudes, perseverance of beliefs, thirst for success, fanaticism for dreams, and profound revelations of human nature. With the rhythm of the drum beats throughout the film, I was full of incisive pleasure after watching it.

As a tenth house person, I understand Andrew's obsession with ideals too well. I choose to be a successful person who is famous but has bad habits and suddenly died in middle age, or an ordinary person who is comfortable and enjoys mediocre to old age. There is no criterion for the concept of happiness, but if I can choose, I would rather have a short and vigorous life.

Fletcher said: The most harmful word is "not bad". This scene made me fall in love with this lunatic completely, only the ultimate life can be truly lived!

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Extended Reading

Whiplash quotes

  • Terence Fletcher: You've got ten minutes, you fucking pathetic pansy-ass fruit-fuck!

  • Andrew: Hey. Sorry, I'm late.

    Terence Fletcher: Well, glad you could fit us into your busy schedule, darling.

    Andrew: I know. Look, sorry I'm late, but uh... I'm here, I'm ready to go.

    Terence Fletcher: Connelly's playing the part.

    Andrew: Yeah, like fuckin' hell he's playing my part.

    Terence Fletcher: What the fuck did you just say to me?

    Andrew: It's my part.

    Terence Fletcher: It's my part and I decide who to lend it to. Usually it's someone who has fucking sticks.