one of the greatest

Name 2022-04-21 09:01:10

To be honest, as far as I am concerned, I am a person who doesn't work hard. In the second phase of the middle school, I even thought that "people who work hard are so fucking boring".
But unfortunately, I am an art student.
Of course, many people think that "art" has a soul. Even if you rub your hands with blood, you can't touch the soul of art. For art, talent is more useful than hard work. I myself also admire people who are full of spiritual energy. I have always felt that it is more interesting to watch people with spiritual energy draw two strokes casually than to watch mediocre people paint with blood and sweat. But in this world, what you think is a genius is only what you think.
And the amazing people I've seen -- I don't know if they're geniuses -- would be in the studio until two in the morning, would work all night on a design for a whole week, would be in a place where I went to play at her house. Every day I took out a few large boxes of paintings and complained to me that they couldn't fit in the room. Then you see them casually scribbling on paper and exclaiming, "That's awesome."

Art certainly has a soul, and mediocre and hard-working people are really good jokes, but as far as those people I've met, I haven't seen any one who is lazy and procrastinates all day long. "One of the greatest" people. All who have touched the soul of art are approaching that sanctuary little by little in the madness of day and night.
I have a friend who loves to tell me about her dreams and almost all her inspiration comes from dreams. easy isn't it? I've also had a lot of wonderful thoughts that came in my dreams, but it's strange that those dreams didn't come back during the period when I became lazy and lazy.

I don't like inspirational films, and I always laugh at those hard-working people who don't look good, because I'm a lazy person who shouts procrastination all day long. As a person, I don’t love art to the core. I don’t care about anything. I have to sleep for five hours a day when I’m the busiest, and I’ve been wasting time on weekends no matter what.
I probably won't be able to do one-thousandth as hard as Andrew, so I probably won't be Richard Parker.
There is nothing particularly laudable in this film, even to the core—everyone is right to say that the protagonist is selfish, dark, or anti-social. But if there is no stage where I am crazy and my posture is not good-looking, who can boast that I am going to be one of the greatest.

The things Andrew said to his girlfriend—or rather, the things she said for him, were the truth. "When you tell me to stop playing the drums, I'll start hating you too." "Eventually we'll both hate each other." - "Sorry, I have higher aspirations." He's really selfish, but I totally understand the state of being in that state - there's no time to eat, no time to sleep, no time to put this thing aside and let other things crowd into my head in order to achieve what I'm after.
Because that's what I think is the hottest state.
The so-called "burning" is not watching Luffy knock down a piece with a rubber fruit and say "I want to become One Piece", but watching a talented person push himself to the limit and release all the energy. , in that state. At least I think so.

Also I'd like to say something about Fletcher, I can't agree more with his take on "good job". Because I myself am the recipient of a good job. I know I'm weak, but I'm cowardly afraid of hearing the truth, and I even wish someone could scream at me, you're so weak, and then -- either break out of depression and leave what you're doing in minutes, or work your way up , no madness, no words.
What Fletcher wants is genius. For this genius, he does not hesitate to suppress all mediocrity. This approach is destined not to be accepted by universal values. However, I agree with what he said, "Really Richard Parker will not be discouraged". If you can't stand such desperate efforts, you should go back to your warm bed. ——As for the so-called mediocrity, I believe that the people who enter his band are all talented people, and those who are close to the peak of their talents, who doesn’t want to be the pinnacle.
I'm sorry, it's so cruel. For those on the verge of reaching the top, music, or art, is the harsh reality of make-or-break.

I watched the whole movie with fists clenched, and when I saw the smiles of Andrew and Flecher at the end, I was about to cry, although I'm probably not qualified enough to empathize.
I just hope that one day I can have the capital to show a relaxed smile.

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Whiplash quotes

  • Terence Fletcher: You've got ten minutes, you fucking pathetic pansy-ass fruit-fuck!

  • Andrew: Hey. Sorry, I'm late.

    Terence Fletcher: Well, glad you could fit us into your busy schedule, darling.

    Andrew: I know. Look, sorry I'm late, but uh... I'm here, I'm ready to go.

    Terence Fletcher: Connelly's playing the part.

    Andrew: Yeah, like fuckin' hell he's playing my part.

    Terence Fletcher: What the fuck did you just say to me?

    Andrew: It's my part.

    Terence Fletcher: It's my part and I decide who to lend it to. Usually it's someone who has fucking sticks.