The process of breaking through the limit is always painful

Priscilla 2022-04-21 09:01:10

After watching this film, many people said that their mood is difficult to calm down for a long time, and I think the same is true for me. Many people are dissatisfied with the teacher in the film, and when I saw the teacher in the film, I remembered a teacher who once taught me.
He is my primary school math teacher. He looks fierce. Everyone in the class has been severely scolded by him. In his eyes, there are no good students or bad students. As long as we make mistakes and don't know what he taught, we are all A group of little beasts, in the years he taught, the level of swearing by the classmates in the class continued to rise. He scolded people badly, called us idiots and idiots, and used the pointer to beat people hard every day. I have to copy all kinds of theorems and formulas ten times and twenty times, and there are a lot of homework problems. However, because of my good grades, I can finish it very quickly. I just hate copying all kinds of theorem formulas. Answering the question, every time at this time, everyone feels uneasy, especially the students who have studied well. He has no preferential treatment in other teachers' classes at all, and he may be scolded even more severely. That's a shame. Later, what was even more perverted was that he asked us to pick up the train to answer the various questions he asked one by one, and we couldn’t think about it, we had to answer it right away. When we were in fifth grade, we learned practical problems, and the book was full of all kinds of practical problems. The teacher asked us to stand up and read the questions one by one, and then immediately list the formulas in our minds and read them out. There should be no pause in the middle, otherwise we will find a chance to scold him. I still remember the tension at that time. That's how he kept scolding us and spurning us. It should be hard to imagine on today's children. I always thought that the teacher would only pick on our faults, until one time, my injured mother came to the school to ask me to take me to the hospital. At that time, I was in math class. My mother opened the door to greet the math teacher, and I hurriedly packed my things with trepidation For fear of being scolded for delaying his class, I never expected that the teacher who usually scolds me so hard would praise me to my mother, saying how good I am, balabala, and ten thousand words of nani floated in my heart. ? ? ? So I rushed to the classroom door as fast as I could and took my mother away. My mother thought the teacher was really good. Although he was so fierce towards us, to be honest, he left the deepest impression on me among all the teachers who have taught me. Most of those teachers with benevolent features are similar, and he is the only one who is so strange. During the time he taught me, I was most interested in mathematics and made rapid progress. The meaning of copying definitions gradually became apparent in junior high school and high school. How could Nima forget so many times so casually? , so the teachers at the back all said that I have a good foundation. I think this math teacher gave me a lot of help, but he is also a cold person. Later, when I met him again and said hello, he just gave you a cool glance. , never say anything tender
The persecution method of the teacher in the film makes me feel very sad as an audience, no matter who is in it, it will collapse, but how can something like the limit be easily broken, many times I can't do it, yes It has to rely on external forces. Something is constantly suppressing you, warning you, and persecuting you. Only with great mental stimulation can people truly remember and feel pain. Only after this can they have the determination to change. It is the kind of person who is knocked down by any strong words, and he will definitely not be able to break through his own limits, and he will not be able to achieve the so-called excellence in the true sense. You have to scratch for a while, but there is a layer of things blocking you. Those gentle things will slowly make you forget your position and direction. Only the cold wind and biting pain can let you know that you must move forward.

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Whiplash quotes

  • Terence Fletcher: You've got ten minutes, you fucking pathetic pansy-ass fruit-fuck!

  • Andrew: Hey. Sorry, I'm late.

    Terence Fletcher: Well, glad you could fit us into your busy schedule, darling.

    Andrew: I know. Look, sorry I'm late, but uh... I'm here, I'm ready to go.

    Terence Fletcher: Connelly's playing the part.

    Andrew: Yeah, like fuckin' hell he's playing my part.

    Terence Fletcher: What the fuck did you just say to me?

    Andrew: It's my part.

    Terence Fletcher: It's my part and I decide who to lend it to. Usually it's someone who has fucking sticks.