What are the highlights and memory points of "Boom Drummer"?

Albert 2022-04-20 09:01:06

Background: I saw that many online commenters are dissatisfied with the teaching method of the commander and think that for most people, hard work is actually useless in life, and hard work is only the driving force for surviving in this mediocre world.

【About education method】

Extremism overwhelmingly applies only to the few who reach an agreement.

The strictness, cruelty, and violence of command in the film seem out of place in the era of seeking harmony, but I think it is very reasonable. First, students still choose to stay on the premise of understanding the teacher's teaching method, which means that the two sides have reached an agreement, and everyone is free to choose in both directions. Second, extremism is a common goal of both sides. On the one hand, extremism matches the most determined but determined master and apprentice. On the other hand, achieving the ultimate breakthrough is the common goal of both parties. Everyone is aiming to achieve a two-way win-win situation. The other party's excuse, this is the choice of adults, since they have chosen, they must be responsible.

【About effort】

I don't care if my dream is successful or not, I just see how handsome I am when I work hard.

Many people say that hard work in real life may not necessarily succeed, it is just the only motivation for you to survive in a mediocre world. But I think people who value success too much are not true love, and people who think the world is mediocre are doomed to mediocrity. The true love is the moon and the sixpence Strickland gave up everything and listened to his inner voice, he never replaced the values ​​of the subjective world with the thoughts in his heart. The world is long and fleeting, some people see dust, some people see stars. Mediocrity or not, the key lies in the self. However, some people are illuminated by dreams, while others are illuminated by money.

【Personal experience】

At the end of writing, I feel that the final discussion is what kind of life attitude is the best choice for people to spend this life?

Haha, in fact, there is no right or wrong or good or bad for all choices, but I think the way that is most comfortable, enjoyable, and has no regrets or regrets is the best choice!

Every time I see people who are tired of life, I sometimes deeply understand but also feel sympathy, not pitiful, but more powerless. Because all choices have their own set of causal relationships, because in your ranking of values, you may feel very insecure from a life without money since childhood, so money may come first, which is understandable , but I don't think that the life attitude of self-consciousness is always spread in some form, because it will actually affect some people. Just like those friends who put money first may naturally form this ranking of values ​​from small family reasons, he is not wrong, but not everyone has a growth environment without money, and not all people without money have Paying attention to money, it is also not all that money is still a problem that haunts him all his life when he grows up without money.

Besides, rich people envy ordinary people, and ordinary people envy rich people. The point is not whether you are rich or not, but what makes you envious? Going deeper, is envy a wrong mentality? How to define right and wrong? Is it true or not that this question is really so important to think outside of life? Since right and wrong are no longer important, what is important? Slowly it boils down to asking myself a topic about how to spend my life.

Having said so much, I just want to say that people will always encounter confusion and difficulties in their lives, but when things go wrong, remember to let yourself go. Learn to smile and face it bravely, because that is your most beautiful appearance. You do not belong to the world, because the world will always belong to you!

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Whiplash quotes

  • Terence Fletcher: You've got ten minutes, you fucking pathetic pansy-ass fruit-fuck!

  • Andrew: Hey. Sorry, I'm late.

    Terence Fletcher: Well, glad you could fit us into your busy schedule, darling.

    Andrew: I know. Look, sorry I'm late, but uh... I'm here, I'm ready to go.

    Terence Fletcher: Connelly's playing the part.

    Andrew: Yeah, like fuckin' hell he's playing my part.

    Terence Fletcher: What the fuck did you just say to me?

    Andrew: It's my part.

    Terence Fletcher: It's my part and I decide who to lend it to. Usually it's someone who has fucking sticks.