Psychological Films Wrapped in Musical Films: On the Physical and Physical Changes of Long-Term Abuse

Laila 2022-04-20 09:01:06

The Chinese translation of the burst drummer misleads people. This is an inspirational film for the growth of campus music; but in fact, the original name Whiplash means "whiplash"; this film is a psychological film; it is about the psychological changes of people under extreme abuse and the subsequent impact on life. Impact;

Fletcher is an abuser, but he is wrapped under the skin of a "strict teacher"; strictness and pursuit of perfection do not equal abuse; Fletcher's various behaviors roaring, slapping, throwing chairs, verbal abuse, and using power to arbitrarily deprive others of power are all abuses category;

The film also describes the changes in Neiman's character and behavior: at the beginning, he was an introverted ordinary freshman who was not good at expressing his feelings. He didn't even want to say that he didn't like to eat raisins while watching a movie with his father, and went around silently. You can eat it; the first time I asked a girl out to make a joke, I was stunned for a long time, and I planned to turn around and leave;

But after being abused by Fletcher for a period of time, he gradually changed: he was also aggressive towards others; directly exposed the sons of relatives and friends at the dinner table; insulted the backup drummer; insulted almost everyone on his level; even Breaking up with his girlfriend with very hurtful language; bluntly saying that the other party hindered his success; finally, he was so angry that he tried to strangle Fletcher on the stage.

This kind of abuse is contagious, from Fletcher to Neimann, and then continues to hurt people with normal values ​​around him (parents, girlfriends, classmates); even he starts to attack and use violence against himself. His face was covered in blood, his hands were bruised and he was playing drums; it was self-abuse hidden under "diligence". This self-abuse really stemmed from the pattern of violence and the effects Fletcher had on him. He thinks success = abuse; I can be successful just by making myself miserable, ignoring that I'm average, not genius. But self-discipline does not = self-abuse. True self-discipline is self-control, not self-aggression.

At this time, in addition to the abuse from Fletcher, Neimann also received a second level of pressure: peer pressure; his father silently supported him with his actions; but his mother secretly despised music; relatives at the dinner table ridiculed him for making music At the age of 34, he would commit suicide by drug addiction; his mother did not support him verbally, but only diverted the topic with dessert; verbally, he was envious of the children of his brother\friends who went to business school and the player; so there is no such thing in his life. Approval from either side; no approval from parents; so he wants approval from festival authorities, that is, he has been longing for Fletcher approval. Neimann transferred his disappointment at his lack of talent to Fletcher, believing that to fight against Fletcher is to fight against his own weaknesses and inadequacies to be successful.

Under the influence of continuous extreme pressure and anxiety, there will be several endings: one is inner fragility, falling into self-denial and negativity, shrouded in extreme anxiety and depression; finally committing suicide; the second is being driven by anger and unwillingness, always I want to prove myself, and finally break through myself and finally break the game; sometimes there is a third situation, that is, third-party intervention; the father in the film solved the problem in a rational way, that is, put it into law, and asked a lawyer to complain to the school that Fletcher caused the its resignation.

Several conflicts in the play come from the "flaws" of the master and the apprentice; Fletcher has the strength of music, but the flaws are poor character, strong desire for control, no respect for people, use of violence, and narrow-mindedness, strong revenge, and finally. Deliberately giving Neimann the wrong score makes him lose face in front of the industry authority and ruin his future; while Neimann has diligent and eager dreams of success; but the defect is that he is like ordinary people and is habitually late (almost all important points in the film are late) , lost drumsticks, lost sheet music; had a car accident while talking on the phone;

So this is a realist film; if the protagonist opens the halo all the way, clears five obstacles, defeats the villain in spite of gravity, and his girlfriend changes her mind, it is a Disney movie; it is the protagonist who does not have much talent; the genius is dissatisfied, And narrow-minded abusers like Fletcher abound in real life; that's what makes the film resonate.

The open ending is a hallmark of its realism; will the festival's industry experts criticize or applaud Neimann's actions at the end? Is Neimann an instant hit or nothing? Master and apprentice reconciled? Would Neimann really be so angry that he killed the teacher? Will Neimann also abuse his students when he becomes a master?

The rhythm and cuts of the film are particularly good; but teachers who beat and abuse students every day are unlikely to appear in American universities; why students get kicked out of school if they beat teachers; teachers slap students, throw chairs, and force students to Suicide to keep teaching? In real life, he has already been tried by the police and the court. But this kind of situation is very common in Chinese campuses and at home; it is common for hundreds of thousands of film critics to get used to this kind of violence; the focus of watching movies is on Neimann's inspirational growth.

Pushing limits and verbal abuse do not constitute a causal relationship; constant verbal motivation also allows students to push limits. Leonardo da Vinci painted eggs thousands of times, and he didn't have to be thrown a chair and cursed by his teacher. Finally, artistic creation, whether it is music, painting, etc., comes from emotion and life; in addition to emotion, a master's work requires excellent technology. What kind of music can a creator who has been soaked in hatred, anger, and pain for years create? Especially improvised, flexible jazz.

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Whiplash quotes

  • Terence Fletcher: You've got ten minutes, you fucking pathetic pansy-ass fruit-fuck!

  • Andrew: Hey. Sorry, I'm late.

    Terence Fletcher: Well, glad you could fit us into your busy schedule, darling.

    Andrew: I know. Look, sorry I'm late, but uh... I'm here, I'm ready to go.

    Terence Fletcher: Connelly's playing the part.

    Andrew: Yeah, like fuckin' hell he's playing my part.

    Terence Fletcher: What the fuck did you just say to me?

    Andrew: It's my part.

    Terence Fletcher: It's my part and I decide who to lend it to. Usually it's someone who has fucking sticks.