Not all excellence comes naturally

Sigurd 2022-04-20 09:01:06

Before watching the movie, I saw several people on Weibo saying that the blood spurting from the drums does not mean that you are playing well. Fletcher forced away the students who didn’t know if they were out of tune to show that their ears were good. It's not important or something. It piqued my curiosity and watched this movie.
After reading it, I think they didn't understand it at all.
The explanation in the movie is very clear:
1. Andrew's family is average, he is not the kind of natural genius, not a rich kid who can play music and art without worry about food and clothing 2. He needs to be recognized. A relative said that there is nothing special about music, it is an emotional thing, and there are no criteria for judging. So Andrew, and everyone who knows what music is to prove him wrong, music has principles, and technical competition
3. The music room band is the band of the music school, and it is in serious competitions, not in bars and on the streets Folk ballads are good for moving people
. 4. Andrew is low-key and reserved, not a control freak. He is only willing to go forward for drumming, which shows that he really loves this and needs this to achieve himself
. 5. Playing well will bring tangible benefits.
So I don't think there's any point in blaming Fletcher, he's okay with his role. When he goes to a bar or participates in a commercial show, he won't yell, and he's fine. Geniuses and idiots don't need teachers, only those in the middle need them, and Andrew is the middle group.

(When ps was sorting out the folder, I found this short comment written a long time ago, and I pasted it here.)

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Extended Reading

Whiplash quotes

  • Terence Fletcher: You've got ten minutes, you fucking pathetic pansy-ass fruit-fuck!

  • Andrew: Hey. Sorry, I'm late.

    Terence Fletcher: Well, glad you could fit us into your busy schedule, darling.

    Andrew: I know. Look, sorry I'm late, but uh... I'm here, I'm ready to go.

    Terence Fletcher: Connelly's playing the part.

    Andrew: Yeah, like fuckin' hell he's playing my part.

    Terence Fletcher: What the fuck did you just say to me?

    Andrew: It's my part.

    Terence Fletcher: It's my part and I decide who to lend it to. Usually it's someone who has fucking sticks.