Is it really wrong for the boss to play rock and roll?

Vito 2022-04-20 09:01:06

Every year to get the Oscar nomination list, the circle of friends in the major circles of friends will set off a bloody storm about who won what award, and then the bet is happy, and the lucky ones are willing to admit defeat.
Indeed, as soon as you see some movies, you know what they are doing at this year's Oscars, you know they are going to win the best picture, and you know they are going to win the best actor. But this "Booming Drummer" is a strange thing. Its nomination list is like saying:
"I just pretended to be a coercion, why are you telling the world!"
Then the shooting cycle of this film is only 19 days. Why did the inspirational film that got the follow-up investment after filming a short film won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor, and even prevailed in China's Wenqing settlement (the one with beans)?

There have always been many films of this kind of unsuccessful, but the most impressive is what Duan Xiaolou said to Chen Dieyi in "Farewell My Concubine":
"I am a fake overlord, you are the real Yu Concubine, you are really not crazy. Not to survive",
is similar to Nina in "Black Swan", who is diligent in pursuit of a perfect personality, but these examples of madness are spontaneous and brought under the guidance of self-consciousness Action, and the devil teacher played by JK Simmons in "The Bursting Drummer" is indeed a character who can make others "crazy". He is a high-level devil himself, and sometimes he can become a preacher in the world. Shi, perhaps it is this complex and changeable setting that made the organizing committee willingly dedicate the golden man to the 60-year-old grandfather.

The theme of the film is jazz, but such a small production with a small budget has its essence.
If you take a look at the current billboard list, you will know that pop, R&B, etc. are the most popular in the world, and you can't seem to find a Louis Armstrong fan in the circle of friends. That's why Mr. Fletcher, after his dismissal, said to the protagonist:
"People are wondering why jazz is about to disappear",
but he went on to say:
I tell you man, there are no two words in English language more harmful than "good job
" Greatness is made by hard training, scolding, and berating. He takes Joe Jones (Parker's teacher) throwing copper bars on Charlie Parker (the famous jazz drummer) as the main point, not like Barty Ricky (another jazz drum talent) relies on talent to put out these words:
If you don't have ability, you wind up playing in a rock band.
Fletcher never apologised for his diabolical actions, instead he thought it was right and it was worth it because he felt he was Joe Jones and he was trying to make a great man, not Strangle many promising futures under their own whiplash.
He has become a demon, but he wants to strip more people of their humanity, and he needs more demons.

Fortunately, our male protagonist Neiman did not become another victim. In the end, he still played a shocking solo.
But think about it, he sacrificed too much.
In order to be successful, he can give up love, he can give up family, and even at family dinners to show disdain and abuse of other people's outstanding achievements.
There is an old saying in English that "If you want to take something away, you have to leave something behind"
Neiman may be the next Charlie Parker, and Fletcher is happy that he is finally a technically Joe Jones. But all they have left is each other, which is subtly shown in the final scene of the film where the master and apprentice perform together. When the lights are dimmed, the audience is blurred, and the other cellists and pianists also hide in the shadows. All the light is above the heads of the master and the apprentice, which clearly tells us that
they have become one spiritually. Their philosophies have reached a consensus, and everything else, go to hell.

A director who can't play music is not a good editor, and this film once again proves the previous theorem to us. One can't help but think of the thrill of David Fincher's ingenious editing, so it's a shame if you didn't feel breathless watching this movie.

In fact, Chinese education has always been very similar to the teacher-apprentice relationship in the film. There is an old saying: A strict teacher produces a master student. After all, it is impossible for everyone to say something like Zhou Shuren,
"Where there is a genius, I just use other people's coffee to work".
Just thinking about it carefully, this model of the devil teacher is still a matter of probability in the final analysis. It sacrificed so many juniors in exchange for a Charlie Parker. Maybe Fletcher's math is really not good.
But what about that for him, one is enough.
However, for us, for the new students, our future may indeed not be able to withstand such toss.

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Whiplash quotes

  • Terence Fletcher: You've got ten minutes, you fucking pathetic pansy-ass fruit-fuck!

  • Andrew: Hey. Sorry, I'm late.

    Terence Fletcher: Well, glad you could fit us into your busy schedule, darling.

    Andrew: I know. Look, sorry I'm late, but uh... I'm here, I'm ready to go.

    Terence Fletcher: Connelly's playing the part.

    Andrew: Yeah, like fuckin' hell he's playing my part.

    Terence Fletcher: What the fuck did you just say to me?

    Andrew: It's my part.

    Terence Fletcher: It's my part and I decide who to lend it to. Usually it's someone who has fucking sticks.