You see, that's it

Monica 2022-04-19 09:01:10

Many of the people who are dissatisfied with this film have the idea of ​​"Why does the film encourage or praise this kind of talent, it completely destroys human nature, and the three views of this film are not right."
However, in my opinion, this film is not really evaluating anything. It just tells the story of a persistent young man and a perverted mentor. As for whether this is right or not, the film does not make an evaluation. At the end of the film, when the drums stop, there is no reaction from the audience at all. This is the attitude of the film: no attitude.
In the eyes of many people, whether it is music, art, dance, or other arts, it seems that they should give people a feeling of beauty. No matter how beautiful the audience feels, the artists and performers themselves should also be in the performance. Get enjoyment.
But in fact, this is not easy to do. There are probably only two kinds of people who can feel enjoyment during the performance. One is Mozart-like genius. No matter how much effort you put in, you can be at the top. The second type is a person who, after hard work, finally mastered his practice project to perfection, and this kind of person is actually the same person as this young drummer.
For the first type, the whole process, from learning to practicing to creating to performing, is beautiful. For the second type of person, this process, except for the final performance, may be better, all the previous processes will be very painful.
You may be studying a project that is not appreciated by the public, so you are under a lot of pressure. Your peers are praised for their small achievements in many projects that are widely recognized, and you are in your Even if you get good grades in the project, no one cares.
You have a certain talent, but you are not outstanding among the many students under your tutor. He always blows your confidence and tells you that there is something stronger than you here. And your little talent is not worth mentioning in front of geniuses, and even compared to them, you are more like a person with physical defects. And obviously, the mentor will hardly praise you, because you are still far from some of the best.
You spend a lot of time every day practicing. This practice is more like physical exercise than art. You need to get your muscles to a certain level and then let it remember that level through continued practice. The whole process is sore, cramping, like the protagonist's constipated face, without any aesthetic feeling.
Because your time is limited, you can only give up a lot of things, and you have no time to think about whether it is worth giving up.
Finally, when you practice to a certain height, your brain and muscles finally remember something firmly, and you can finally "relax" as the coach said. Although when he talks about it, he seems to feel so right, like you should be a genius.
After you relax, maybe you can enjoy it for a while, but it may only be for a while, because you have entered a higher field and faced more opponents. You need to continue to play against this group of people. Due to the similar strength, tearing Things like forced wars are likely to be the same as any ordinary workplace, with no aesthetics, only clichés. Not to mention that there are a bunch of geniuses chasing after him.
In the end, when standing above the crowd, it's hard to say whether your mentality will be normal, and whether you will enjoy what you do. It's just that these audiences won't see or care, they get the ultimate beauty.
Suddenly I feel that the joy of many people is based on the pain of others. It really makes sense, just like the conservation of material.
I don't like watching traditional inspirational films very much, because most of them will omit some bad things, will dilute the talent of the protagonist, and will emphasize the joy after success.
I don't know if this film is an inspirational film, but if it is said to be inspirational, there is some truth to it: if you are not a genius, then you have seen it, if you persist, your path will be like this, then, do you continue? ?

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Whiplash quotes

  • Terence Fletcher: You've got ten minutes, you fucking pathetic pansy-ass fruit-fuck!

  • Andrew: Hey. Sorry, I'm late.

    Terence Fletcher: Well, glad you could fit us into your busy schedule, darling.

    Andrew: I know. Look, sorry I'm late, but uh... I'm here, I'm ready to go.

    Terence Fletcher: Connelly's playing the part.

    Andrew: Yeah, like fuckin' hell he's playing my part.

    Terence Fletcher: What the fuck did you just say to me?

    Andrew: It's my part.

    Terence Fletcher: It's my part and I decide who to lend it to. Usually it's someone who has fucking sticks.