The life of an idealist

Gabe 2022-04-19 09:01:10

I don't know how many people have the idea of ​​learning a musical instrument like me, but this idea always stays in the idea stage. Either it's a shallow taste, or it's a half-way to give up, and it's a minority of a few who can show in front of everyone like a real musician.

The movie "Booming Drummer" gave me a different understanding of music. The so-called "don't be crazy, don't survive" means music! "Boom Drummer" tells the story of a young man who loves music and strives to become a top jazz drummer.

Watching this film carefully, I thought it was an inspirational story, but I saw a bit of horror. Regarding the award for this film, in addition to the best editing and the best picture, the one who won the most awards is the best supporting actor JK Simmons. Simmons plays Fletcher, the devilish coach who drives protagonist Andrew to "madness."

Andrew has his jazz dream, which is to become "one of the greatest" in the field of music. He mainly focuses on drummers. After he was admitted to the world-renowned conservatory of music, he did not live a rich life like an ordinary college student. In college life, the only thing I do is practice, practice and practice. In my spare time, I go to the cinema with my father to watch movies, and I spend more time doing things related to music. There are posters of idol drummers in his dormitory, and he listens to idol music over and over again. He even broke up with his girlfriend in order to concentrate more on his practice.

However, it is such a young man who is not deep in the world and full of dreams, but he meets the devil coach Fletcher. His perfectionism to the second is pushing Andrew again and again, and the occasional warmth makes Andrew want to break through himself. limit.

At the last concert, Andrew knew he was being used, but ignored Fletcher and started a "burst show" of his own. Fletcher from the initial contempt to the perfect combination of the latter two. I don't want to say that this is an inspirational movie, because the price of this inspiration is too high. There are no friends in Andrew's world, only music. The warm smile of the last two also made me a little scared. Maybe Andrew will become a Fletcher's average person is terribly paranoid about music and moody.

The film is an extended version of a short film that was filmed in 2013. The film's prelude is not in the image, but slowly opened in the sound. After a burst of increasingly intense drumming, the camera moves to a young man who is beating a drum set with passion. This scene shows us the musical talent and passion of the protagonist.

A lot of music and rhythms filled it, which was the tone set at the beginning of "Boom Drummer". The director and screenwriter of the film, Devon Chasule, invited Dan Levy and Duke Ellington to create the episodes "Inspire the True Self" and "Caravan", respectively, showing his musical expertise. In addition, he also knows how to highlight the theme of the film, that it takes both sweat and talent to create great music.

However, this is still a movie after all. The protagonist Andrew Neiman has listened to his idol Buddy Ritchie's "Birdland" countless times and aspires to be a first-class drummer like him. His longing is the spiritual source of the film. This setting, coupled with the excellent performances of the two leading actors, makes the film extremely shocking.

The short film, shot in 2013, featured Johnny Simmons as the young drummer. In the movie, Mills Taylor successfully took over the role and performed a new interpretation. Resolute young man Andrew Neiman wants to get rid of the public, including the mediocre ideas of his father who has always taught and raised him, so he is strict with himself. Mills Taylor's portrayal of Andrew Neiman makes the character charming.

JK Simmons, who played the devil coach, was in the limelight and attracted a lot of attention. JK Simmons gave Terrence Fletcher multiple complexities. His performance makes for a less unexpected, but entertaining, ending to "Broken Drummer."

Tell us what you think about the theme of the movie! Perhaps many people were moved by Andrew's efforts to achieve perfection: the alarm clock at 4 in the morning, his hands full of blood when he practiced drumming, and his dedication to rushing to the game after a car accident to continue the game. I still feel a little scared after watching it, maybe it is right to work hard, but after excessive hard work has even become a kind of morbidity, is what you pursue purely what you want?

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Extended Reading

Whiplash quotes

  • Terence Fletcher: You've got ten minutes, you fucking pathetic pansy-ass fruit-fuck!

  • Andrew: Hey. Sorry, I'm late.

    Terence Fletcher: Well, glad you could fit us into your busy schedule, darling.

    Andrew: I know. Look, sorry I'm late, but uh... I'm here, I'm ready to go.

    Terence Fletcher: Connelly's playing the part.

    Andrew: Yeah, like fuckin' hell he's playing my part.

    Terence Fletcher: What the fuck did you just say to me?

    Andrew: It's my part.

    Terence Fletcher: It's my part and I decide who to lend it to. Usually it's someone who has fucking sticks.