The most fake sci-fi classic ever!

Tyrel 2022-04-21 09:01:04

It's all said to be classic and it's said to be director Richard Kelly's debut

Okay, maybe it's a classic, the director may be a genius

, but it's a movie that the audience can't understand. I really don't know where the classic is. I spent an hour researching the background information, but it's not very good. I understand

why Donnie was crushed to death by the holy relic and the offline space disappeared.
Then why did the rabbit save him at the beginning
? Why did he suddenly go back to the beginning? Could Donny himself be able to turn back time
? If Donny himself didn't want to die, why did he say yes? There was an infinite loop because a black hole had already formed at that time and swallowed all the space.

I don't know if it was my brain that was useless or the director's brain was flooded.

Then I checked the other movies of this guy and their ratings were all about four points (out of ten, the hallucination of death) Nearly 8 points, ranking more than 100 in IMBD), if he is really a talented director, he should be as classic as James Cameron and Christopher Nolan.

So I guess this is a pseudo-classic movie~~ The master never became a master by luck.

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Donnie Darko quotes

  • Dr. Lilian Thurman: If the sky were to suddenly open up, there would be no law, there would be no rule. There would only be you and your memories.

  • Dr. Lilian Thurman: If this world were to end, there would only be you and him... and no one else.

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