Captain America

Alana 2022-04-23 07:01:03

The root cause is that the captain's most powerful ability is not given externally. The ultimate human power brought by the serum is just a chance for the captain to show his true self. "Captain America" ​​is more like a psychology teaching mv, telling everyone a truth: inner consciousness drives outer destiny, and outer reality is the projection of inner imagination.

Rogers started out as a thin, ordinary guy. At the beginning of the movie, his life experience is clearly introduced. His father died in battle, and his mother died of infection because of saving people. Although the film does not describe the original family too much, it is conceivable why the weak and weak Rogers insisted on joining the army, and could stand up and resist again and again in the face of bullying by hooligans. The parental worldview and fraternity have been internalized into Rogers and become part of his personality. The inner human nature is mature, and at the same time, he is ignorant of the external rules, so the captain is pure.

For us ordinary people, Captain America is a good movie. Fortunately, there is no mutation, no high-tech, you can still be your own hero. Like the captain, stick to your beliefs and call on your subconscious, then believe that the world will also respond to your call and give you the opportunity to live the life you want.

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Extended Reading

Captain America: The First Avenger quotes

  • Col. Chester Phillips: [looking over the men] You're not REALLY thinking about picking Rogers, are you?

    Abraham Erskine: I wasn't just THINKING about it. He is a clear choice.

    Col. Chester Phillips: When you brought a ninety-pound asthmatic onto my army base, I let it slide. I thought "What the hell, maybe he'd be useful to you like a gerbil." Never thought you'd pick him.

    Peggy Carter: [to soldiers doing push-ups] UP!

    Col. Chester Phillips: You put a needle in that kid's arm it's gonna go right through him.

    Peggy Carter: [to the soldiers doing jumping jacks] Come on, girls!

    Col. Chester Phillips: [looking at Steve's best effort but belabored execution] Look at that. He's makin' me cry.

    Abraham Erskine: I am looking for qualities beyond the physical.

    Col. Chester Phillips: Do you know how long it took to set up this project? Of all the groveling I had to do in front of Senator What's-his-name's committee?

    Abraham Erskine: Yes, I'm well aware of your efforts.

    Col. Chester Phillips: Then throw me a bone. Hodge passed every test we gave him. He's big, he's fast, he obeys orders - he's a soldier.

    Abraham Erskine: He's a bully.

    Col. Chester Phillips: You don't win wars with niceness, doctor. You win wars with guts.

    [the Colonel pulls the pin of a grenade and throws it among the recruits]

    Col. Chester Phillips: GRENADE!

  • Steve Rogers: I know this neighborhood. I got beat up in that alley. And that parking lot. And behind that diner.