Just so so

Kailyn 2022-04-22 07:01:02

The scene is really cool, but the plot is too old-fashioned. As a person like me who is not very good at thinking, I can foresee the direction of the plot and the subsequent plot, so the watchability of this movie needs to be improved. The actors didn't show their acting skills deliberately. Except for Brother Hammer's figure and Shitson's little face, Natalie didn't have much to be commended. But it is still as straightforward as ever, just like in "Leon", it has not changed for so many years. As a result, I like her even more.

When I mentioned "Leon", I almost forgot about this movie, so in the future, whether it is a movie, a book, or a play, if I want to finish it, I should record the feelings at that time, or at least leave something memorable for the future. Because memories are always so fleeting.

As for whether to watch "Thor 2", well, after watching 1, I didn't want to go that much.

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Thor quotes

  • [a wounded Heimdall collapses]

    Thor: Get him to the Healing Room! Leave my brother to me.

  • [Odin appears in Jotunheim]

    Thor: Father, we'll finish them together!

    Odin: SILENCE!