And listen, for whom the death knell is tolling

Armani 2022-04-21 09:01:10

The dizzying gorgeous special effects are just a dress in the end. After all the cover is removed, the truth often hurts the eyes.
This movie, no matter what you see, as for me, is a twilight of an old era, an elegy for spiritual civilization.
The conflict between Captain America and Iron Man was doomed from the start. He symbolizes the most perfect form of the human spirit, loyalty, selflessness, dedication, sacrifice, self-discipline... All positive words invented by humans can be added to Captain America; and Iron Man, representing the highest level of human material civilization, collects power , wealth and technology in one. But in this era, virtue is replaced by material, and the evil of human nature is infinitely magnified. Captain America is like an outdated person who is out of tune in the new era.
Therefore, Ultron was born. Ultron's evil comes from Iron Man's choice of justice. He no longer believes in the inherent goodness of human nature, and that people can save themselves. Even superheroes cannot maintain justice for a long time. He believes in cold technology. But Captain America always has a good heart for the world. He believes that human beings will eventually find their conscience, and rely on the strength of their spiritual strength to face the crisis together. He insists that the virtues that can save this era are still those virtues that may have been regarded as outdated. .
So far, the Civil War is inevitable, and the death of Captain America is inevitable - because this is the true portrayal of reality outside the movie.
As for emotions, I respect Captain America - he is always the perfect embodiment of human beings, but as for the real society in which I have tossed, I agree with Iron Man more - compared to perhaps a very small number of people who are persevering and finding virtue , this world degenerates faster. Every day, every minute, every second, countless tragedies are staged. Politicians, scholars, businessmen... Too many brightly dressed big people or little people are living up to this world, but But there was no Green Arrow who raised his bow and arrow and declared "you have failed the city" to complete the trial. When evil is rampant and justice is not upheld, when "noble" has become the pass of the despicable, and "despicable" has become the epitaph of the noble, no superhero has stood up to save us.
As a human being, I have never hoped that the world will be ended by Ultron.

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Extended Reading

Avengers: Age of Ultron quotes

  • Steve Rogers: I really miss the days when the weirdest thing science ever created was me.

  • Bruce Banner: Guys? is this a code green?