life is an addiction, we will keep falling in it till we hit the ground and die

Camryn 2022-04-19 09:01:04

This movie is also called "Addiction" for the 2nd time I saw this movie, this time I was really shocked. Like the original , I began to feel that everything we were doing was just an addiction. The difference is only this Addiction is big or small and addictions all come from desires id and ego And the end of one addiction often comes from the beginning of another Harry's mother: Husband died early, son is a jerk, everything in her life is to eat and watch TV loneliness has no goal, no hope, and lost its meaning. Later, a phone call broke it all. This call was called "hope". Isn't "hope" a spiritual addiction? This hope has brought meaning to her life again, for This meant she started her new life, losing weight, but found that the addiction to "eating" was deeply ingrained, so she started using drugs that would make her feel good and eat whatever she wanted. Not knowing that the drug was actually the equivalent of a low-dose drug, she fell into another addiction and the effect of the "hope" addiction and the "drug" addiction that she was eating by her imaginary refrigerator were mixed. It shows that people will gradually be controlled and alienated by their own addiction (I think this character is the most important character in this film, not in terms of plot, but this character is closer to us) Harry and Marion: He has a character he thinks is The most beautiful girlfriend in the world She has her "self" who is truly willing to give everything they have "love" they have a plan they are on the right path they think is but the future is kind of unpredictable East and West Tyron was caught by a drug dealer and died, the Taoist blamed them for their fate, and when the addiction came, Harry asked Marion to borrow money from her psychiatrist; and Harry quarreled with Marion and left her with that "Drug" addiction for "sex" addiction nigga call; Harry called Marion and told her he would be back today Marion quietly sheds tears but wipes them away immediately Going to that "party" makeup scene all we can see is the fragility and collapse of "love" Tyron: recalled in the mirror of his childhood saying to his mother:"One day in the future I'll be a big man" but his mother said: "You don't have to be a big man, you just need to love your mother." The reality drug dealer wanted to promote him, but he was almost killed and put in the police station. In the process of walking with your own goals, you often lose yourself and forget things that are simpler but more meaningful. In the end, the four protagonists shed tears in different places and curl up into a dream life is an addiction, we will keep falling in it till we hit the ground and die Just as Marion disappears Harry walks back and forth shouting Marion's name and falls down And in dreams there's no cruelty of reality

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Requiem for a Dream quotes

  • Sara Goldfarb: I'm walkin' across the stage! And you should see my Harry on television. We're giving the prizes away.

    [bursting into tears]

    Sara Goldfarb: I just wanted to be on the show!

  • Harry Goldfarb: [Waking up after his arm was amputated] Marion? Marion?

    Angelic Nurse: It's all right. Don't worry, you're in a hospital.

    Harry Goldfarb: Marion?

    Angelic Nurse: Who's that? She'll be sent for, she'll come.

    Harry Goldfarb: No.

    Angelic Nurse: No?

    Harry Goldfarb: No... she won't.

    Angelic Nurse: [confidently] She'll come.

    Harry Goldfarb: [Crying] No, she...