put away your sympathy

Erika 2022-04-22 07:01:02

Sympathy refers to the emotional response of caring and understanding to the suffering and misfortune of others. To a certain extent, it is the innate human nature. Although the degree is different, no one, even a heinous prisoner, has the full confidence to say that he has no sympathy. Perhaps this is why this film was born and discussed. Whether sympathy is necessary, whether sympathy for the suffering of others is really just an expression of wishful thinking, and whether it is the best choice to treat the suffering parties with a sympathetic attitude.
The protagonist of the film, Philip, is undoubtedly unfortunate. He was completely incapacitated by paraplegia from a high position caused by a skydiving accident, but he is also lucky, at least he is a rich man with a deep family background. As Philip described, he tried many nurses, but he resigned and left after not working for a long time, not only because of the trivial and complicated work content, but also because he could not get Philip's own approval. That's when Dries comes on the scene, a black Frenchman with a criminal record who is somewhat rude and disrespectful. It was such a seemingly contradictory combination that sparked intense sparks. They went out together, had a meal together, and even enjoyed a special massage together. Their relationship has gradually gone beyond a simple employment relationship, and the two have become able to communicate deeply. Communicate with friends.
As Philip himself said, the reason why he likes Dreis as his carer is precisely because Dreis lacks sympathy and does not treat him with a special sympathy like others. Like communicating with a normal person, Dries recklessly joked with Philip, even sarcastic. These actions, which seem to be beyond the common sense we understand, are indeed very warm and appropriate in Philip's view, because only this kind of communication can make him forget his misfortune and get the best psychological comfort to a certain extent. .
Many times, the unfortunate people we think may not be the same as we think, and what they need is not our mercy and charity, because these things are not good medicine to heal their wounds, but continue to open their wounds. the culprit. What the author of this film wants to tell people directly is that instead of blindly sympathizing with charity, it is better to understand and accept with a peaceful and open mind.
Sympathy is not a bad thing, but when people sympathize with others, they often put their position above the object involuntarily, and unknowingly tacitly acquiesce that their situation is superior to the other party, and to some extent you are welcome. That said, it would also be discriminatory. Who knows who is better than who? Therefore, if unnecessary sympathy is put away, people can communicate more directly and effectively. The so-called unreachable thing is our sympathy that is above and beyond.

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The Intouchables quotes

  • Driss: Where do you find a paraplegic?

    Philippe: I don't know.

    Driss: Where you leave him.

  • [first lines]

    Driss: [while driving] Outta the way.