August 16, 2021
I watched the animated movie Monsters, Inc. directed by Peter Docter
In another world, there lives a group of monsters. They don't look scary, but they must pretend to be scary, because every late night, they have to hide in children's wardrobes secretly, and then scare the sleeping children. Because they are employees of the Monster Power Company, and their company needs to provide power to the monsters, only the screams of children can power them.
Children are very afraid of them, but they are even more afraid of children, because they always think that children are poisonous, everything that children touch is poisonous, but in order to provide electricity, they have to scare children.
Sullivan the Furious is the best employee of Monster Power Company, and Mike is his exclusive intimidation assistant and his good friend.
Sullivan frightened many children. Once, Sullivan accidentally brought a little human girl back to the monster world...
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