Eat people without spitting bones. Not black or not intelligence bureau.

Percival 2022-04-22 07:01:02

1. I am the only one who thinks that Beautiful Mind is that the U.S. Intelligence Agency is shameless, inhuman, and black-hearted. He wants people to decode it, surround his life circle with intelligence personnel, and later claim that he is insane, and give him medicine to ruin his life? ?
2. According to Wikipedia, the US Intelligence Agency also has Nash's correspondence, only a few of which have been declassified. If he's all fantasy, why keep these letters private? The movie just used the crudest explanation that he was insane, sold tickets, stole his reputation, and did not give Nash credit. The wife who can write this kind of novel also has problems. Want to cover up. It is to destroy the cause that Naxu did to the Intelligence Bureau.
3. Eat people without spitting bones. Not black or not intelligence bureau.
4. Why was Nash's declassified letter not opened? Because the intelligence bureau just installed a monitor where he solved the puzzle, there is no need to receive letters at all! ! !
5. I'm the only one who sees the beautiful mind, sweats coldly, and makes a dry voice, and then keeps reciting "It's useless to use it", am I glad that I'm an idiot?
6 This car accident after winning the Nobel Prize, I think it was intentional. After the world knew about him, the United States wiped him out. Because his head can't be used by anyone else.

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Extended Reading

A Beautiful Mind quotes

  • Parcher: Man is capable of as much atrocity as he has imagination.

  • Alicia: The problem you left on the board, I solved it.

    John Nash: No, you didn't.

    Alicia: You didn't even look!

    John Nash: I never said the vector fields were rational functions... Your solution is elegant, though ultimately incorrect.