8/5/07 After watching Friends

Tobin 2022-04-21 09:01:03

It was originally a joke, saying that if I didn't watch Friends, I wouldn't fit into your conversation, but then I watched the final episode as if I was doing my homework. It's just that it seems a little rushed to experience the ups and downs of the six-person movement in the past ten years in three months. I still feel that my feelings for this drama are so light that I can't wait patiently to skip every time the recap scene appears, so light that I shift+delete every time I watch some scenes, so light that I don't like it at all. . Or, I just can't admit that what's not flattering at first can actually become attractive over time.

I think the success of this play should be in the shaping of the characters. Everyone has very distinctive characteristics and exerts them to the extreme. Mon's strength, Rach's coddling, Pheobe's madness, Ross's dullness, Chan's funny, Joey's stupid. God, I actually used most of the derogatory terms, enough to see that these people really need to develop love over time rather than love at first sight to fall in love.

My favorite should be Chan, not because he is the closest to normal people, but because he is really responsible, he really loves Mon, even if Mon is so unreasonable and hysterical sometimes. I have never understood why Chan is always considered gay, but I think he is the most man of the three, and only his attitude towards commitment is the most indestructible.

I'm not a big fan of Rach because I think she's swaying and pampered. But I really like the little box she keeps her memories, maybe every girl has such a small box. Some things are put in and never taken out again, even if it is a trivial coin or gadget, something that you don’t want to throw away every time you clean it, it will unknowingly be with you for a lifetime.

I like Phoebe, although she greatly ruins the beautiful image of a singer in my mind when she is holding a guitar and roaring, but I appreciate her truth and self very much. She is really happy to live in her own world, without any hypocrisy and twist, even if others cast a strange view, she can always stick to her own principles and propositions. I especially liked the scene where she spoke to the newborn triplets and her wedding to Mike in the snow. Oh! PS: Mike is really handsome, the screenwriter is amazing, and finally arranged for Phoebe a handsome guy who is caring and gentle and can play the piano.

Ross is the guy I liked at one point and then hated because he started rocking too. When I see two people who clearly like each other swinging again and again, I just get angry. Joey hated me at one time because he was so stupid; then I liked it very much because he was really kind, and when he had feelings for Rach, he could do things like Joey, which is really admirable. I have never liked Mon, (although I think she is the most beautiful + the best figure), I think if I were a man, I would let her SHUT UP forever, how could she be so annoying, so annoying, so annoying and so loud! But the engagement of Mon and Chan is my favorite scene, it's so romantic and touching to die!

Anyway, if you have to sort by favorite, mine is: Chan>Phoebe>Joey>Mon=Rach>Ross.

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Friends quotes

  • Rachel: [upset] All right, well, if you must know... I had a traumatic... swing incident... when I was little.

    Ross: Seriously?

    Rachel: Yes, I was 4 years-old and I was on the swing and then all of a sudden my hair got tangled in the chain. And to get me out my mom had to - had to cut a big chunk of my hair.

    [she starts crying]

    Rachel: And it was uneven for weeks.

    Ross: [sarcastically] And you made it through that? I wonder who's gonna play you in the movie.

    Rachel: Ok, fine. You can make fun of me. I do not want Emma going there.


    Rachel: And I was thinking Claire Danes.

  • Phoebe: A person's wedding is important. And especially to me. OK? I didn't have a graduation party. And I didn't go to Prom. And I spent my sweet sixteen being chased round a tyre yard by an escaped mental patient who in his own words wanted to "kill me, or whatever." So I deserve a real celebration and I am not gonna let some sweaty little man make me feel badly about it.