Watching Movies------Flying House Travels

Alejandra 2022-04-22 07:01:02

In addition to the robot Wall-E and Father and Daughter, there are also Flying House Travels in the cartoons, which made me burst into tears and then laughed silly. It's really emotional, but the movie is good, I like it very much, and I highly recommend it.

Flying House was released a long time ago. I wandered in front of the cinema several times, but I didn't pay for it. I expected that this film might have a Miyazaki style. Maybe this is a misunderstanding caused by 3D. I haven't caught a lot of Japanese animation recently. , so I'm not interested in watching. Well, the message is delayed, a misunderstanding. These days, my hair has been rising, and my mood is inexplicable, so I think of watching this movie.

Carl in the film loves adventure as a young boy, but he is introverted and basically only a fantasy child. He met Ellie, the little girl who always had a shrill voice and an explosive head, excited like a boy. Both children are equally adventurous. Later, they got married, and the dreamy Ellie and the dull Carl started a happy life together. Two people sat side by side on a sofa by the window. Whether it's reading or watching the clouds. In this way, two people share the little things in life. It's just a pity that two people want a child but can't get it. Ellie became very depressed, and Carl remembered the dream they once shared, building a house on the cliff side of a waterfall in South America to live together. So they start saving money, but life is always trivial, and the money in the piggy bank is always taken out and used in advance for one reason or another. Erica eventually grows old and becomes a grandmother and a grandpa. Ellie passed away. Karl, who was already gray-haired, became more and more self-contained.

Retelling it here, it almost feels like this is a complete story. The two people met each other as children, got married, grew old, and left alone. This is a lifetime. The reason why it takes so much time to retell is because this short paragraph can already be called a beautiful short film, and I can't stop crying. This is the ordinary life of two people. In the final analysis, what is life like? If it is about a person, then life is a process in which a person learns to self-regulate and realize self-worth from novelty to self-knowledge. If it's about love, then life is about two people meeting, attracting each other, holding hands, getting to know each other, and those little details that you can't even recall afterwards. If we don’t have a diary and no photos, and give us a day to reminisce, we may not be able to tell in detail why we value each other’s years together as treasures, but when our partner leaves, we can no longer adapt, and even live every day. Like living in a trance in the memory, the memory can't be driven away stubbornly. Two people began to live together, share the responsibility and share. Some crazy dreams may be overshadowed by the trivialities of time and life. At first glance, it seems so sad. Has anyone ever complained that the dream has become more distant because of the triviality and responsibilities of marriage. out of reach? After Ellie's death, Carl suddenly thought of realizing Ellie and his own adventure dream one day, carrying the house to the cliffs of South American waterfalls with thousands of hydrogen balloons.

The next part of the film is naturally a series of stories about adventure pursuits, which will not be repeated here. Here's a little detail, when Carl flips through Ellie's adventure diary, he always turns to a page and doesn't continue flipping. That page Ellie wrote, stuff im going to do. It was not until later that Carl accidentally saw the back page, which was the wedding photo of Carl and Ellie, and after the wedding photo was Ellie's married life. On the last page, Ellie and Carl are already gray-haired, sitting on their sofa for a group photo. She wrote, thanks for the adventure, now go and have a new one.

At this time, I realized that the adventures in life are more than just thrilling adventures in the wild. Two people stay together, the water flows, support each other, understand each other, love each other, and have a common beautiful dream to own and believe. This is also the most gorgeous and plain life in life. adventure. So after Ellie passed away, Ellie was grateful for having Carl with her in her life. Ask Carl to continue his new adventure.

I really like Ellie, such a little girl full of dreams and happiness always makes people feel good. With a good mood, every day is like holding a dream and getting close to it. Carl has a new chapter in his life after returning to the city, this time it is a new journey for the old man Carl and the little boy Russell, the dog Duggar.

Never give up on your dreams, this is the ability to be happy and happy.

Let's start right away too, gorgeous and personal, happy, and adventurous. Say your biggest dreams and tiniest wishes, and there will be joy and hope. The New Year is approaching, and the energy of dreams is stronger. Think about it, what do you want to do, under your dreams, life will not be so heavy.

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