Let's say goodbye to the past

Destini 2022-04-21 09:01:07

I shed tears several times because I was moved by love

. Every tie I tie for you

is our plain and light love that

flows like water in my heart . This is a

deep cartoon.

Children can't understand the


Pulling parents to run out,

and the child directly said loudly in the theater, "It's not good at all.."

How can a child understand the love between Carl and Ellie,

how can they understand that dreams and commitments are worth using Going to chase and realize

Carl and Ellie lived together for a lifetime

Ellie went first Carl's life seemed to lose hope all of a sudden

he fought with the real estate agent and didn't want to lose the good memories with Ellie

so he took the house to finish Ellie The road to his dream was full of

hardships and difficulties, but he did not give up

the adventure book, which was his spiritual sustenance.

When he flipped through the book again, he unexpectedly found that

behind the stuff i'm going to do, it

was no longer a search for a fairyland.

It was one picture after another of his happy life with Ellie.

At this moment, he finally understood that

Ellie's dream was to hope that he could start a wonderful life again and not live in the past,

so he lost the furniture, the past, and the burden.

He started Wholeheartedly helping Ronaldinho helped Kevin accept the tease

and he started a wonderful life

of his own. How could Ellie leave so easily?

She will live forever in Carl's heart

. Happy memories of course can't be forgotten , but we

can't always live in the past . There are a few friends who

are immersed in memories after breaking up. I will persuade them to say goodbye to the past , walk out of their memories and welcome a new life, try to open up their hearts so that others can come in , give others a chance and give themselves a chance to make a clean break with the past, some friends do it, they start themselves again Wonderful life Some friends are still addicted to the past . I will recommend this movie to them. I hope they can learn to let go after watching the past, say goodbye to the past , and start their own happy life . person saying goodbye

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Up quotes

  • Police Officer Edith: [after Carl gets back from the courtroom, at night] Sorry, Mr. Fredricksen. You don't seem like a public menace to me. Take this.

    [she hands him a Shady Oaks Retirement Village brochure]

    Police Officer Edith: The guys from Shady Oaks will be by to pick you up in the morning, okay?

  • Newsreel Announcer: [after the National Explorer's Society accuses Muntz of fabricating the "Monster of Paradise Falls" skeleton] The organization strips Muntz of his membership.

    [a patch is ripped off Muntz's jacket]

    Newsreel Announcer: Humiliated, Muntz vows a return to Paradise Falls and promises to capture the beast alive!

    Charles Muntz: [speaking to a large audience outside in the newsreel] I promise to capture the beast alive, and I will not come back until I do!