What are the plots in "Flying House" that made you cry?

Ariel 2022-04-20 09:01:05

Have you ever loved someone?

Block all your emotions and thoughts, occasionally hurt but happy.

Have you ever lost someone?

Not life, but death.

Ta has been gone for a long time, but you still stubbornly stay where you are and refuse to leave.

Even if the fragments of memory have stabbed you all over your body, you are still

Can't bear, can't let go.

If you're still sad, if you don't know how to spend the rest of your life, then you might as well read his story.


(Personal message reply "Flying House Travel Notes" to watch)

01. In love

You are the most important decision in my life

I am Carl .

When I was young, I accidentally broke into a dilapidated house and met Ellie , an "explorer" .

She is domineering.


Some boyish.

But it was really fun.

She gave me the Ellie badge and invited me to join the expedition.

She turned over the window in the middle of the night, lay on the bed and chatted with me about her adventure dreams.

The light in her eyes, the longing, also ignited my heart.

When she left that day, I stood by the window for a long time.

I think that's when I fell in love with her.

Later, we got married.

That was the happiest moment of my life.

I put the ring on her while everyone watched, and I carried her back to our own home—

The house we first met.

Together we bells and bells decorate our little home.

Sometimes we just look up at the sky quietly.

We have been through hardships.

We have lost our children.

But we still love each other.

She would tie my tie every day when I went to work.

I will also gently hold her hand while reading.

Together we painted our childhood adventure dreams on the walls.

We also saved up together and prepared to go.

But life always encounters all kinds of little surprises, and whenever that happens, we take out the money we have saved.

Save money again and again, and empty it again and again.

The days passed slowly with such anticipation and company.

Before we knew it, we both had gray hair and fine wrinkles between our skin.

That day, I saw pictures of Ellie when she was young, and I thought of the man who used to talk about world adventures.

I looked back at her, who was already rickety and her edges and corners were smoothed out by life, and lowered her head sadly.

I bought two plane tickets to travel the world with her.

But she was hospitalized.

Later, we failed to get on the ticket for the voyage.

Later, she left.

That day, I sat alone for a long time at the funeral.

02. Missing

unforgettable, unforgettable

she left.

Empty rooms, lonely breakfasts all remind me of this fact.

But I still don't want to accept it.

With the medal she gave me, I carefully cleaned our room.

Also stubbornly guarding our last memory.

Yes, real estate agents have been eyeing our house.

He said that as soon as I moved out of our house, he would give me huge compensation.

However, I will not let them take away our memories.

I sat in front of the house every day and warned them that they couldn't demolish our house unless I died.

I hate everything that has nothing to do with her.

Like the kid who would knock on my door.

He had to help me so that I could get the badge for helping old people so I could become a full-fledged explorer.

I didn't care about him, so I gave a random reason and asked him to help me catch the "sand cone bird".

How could he possibly find it, that "sand cone bird" was discovered by the explorer that Ellie and I admired during our expedition.

You see, I think of Ellie again.

They all say, "Ten years of life and death are boundless, don't think about it, you will never forget it."

Ellie just left me, and it's perfectly normal for me to miss her.

I also plan to spend all the time I have left to miss her.

But one day, the construction team accidentally injured our mailbox.

It was a mailbox that Ellie and I decorated with our own hands, and I hurried over to fight them.

That person said he would help me, but I don't believe it!

During the fight, I accidentally injured the man.

I don't want that, I just want to protect Ellie.

I was summoned to court and forced to accept arrangements to go to a nursing home.

I'm leaving my house with Ellie.

But how is that possible!

I blew up the balloons all night, and when the people from the nursing home came to pick me up, I let them all out.

Me and Ellie's home is flying!

Although Ellie is gone, I have to realize Ellie's dream by myself.

I'm going to put our home next to Paradise Falls.

I sat on the couch with peace of mind, just as Ellie and I used to sit here and read.

But suddenly there was a knock on our door.

Ai? How is this possible? Our home is in the sky.

When I opened the door, I saw that noisy little brat.

He unexpectedly stood at the door of my house by accident and flew into the sky with me.

It's not a good sign, I wanted to let him go home, but a gust of wind hit the whole house.

Me and Ellie's couch!

Me and Ellie's piggy bank!

Ellie's photo!

These must not fall to the ground!

I was in such a hurry to save the "Ellis" that I completely forgot about the existence of little boys.

When I woke up again, the little kid told me that I fell asleep holding "Allies".

We have reached South America.

I saw Paradise Falls!

I'm about to realize my dream!

My little brat and I made a pact to drag the house to the waterfall together.

But on the way, we encountered all kinds of accidents.

Such as a huge bird - Kevin .

A talking dog - Doudou .

Little kids love them, but I don't.

I just like Ellie.

I just want to help Ellie fulfill her dream and move our home to Paradise Falls quickly.

But again we met Charles, the explorer that Ellie and I once admired the most!

Ellie must be happy to see this.

I think of Ellie again.

But, slowly, I found that the explorer had changed.

He was no longer the brave, adventurous guy we knew.

He's paranoid, insidious, and wants to stuff Kevin for honor.

I was trying to save them, but when Charles burned down my and Ellie's house, I didn't care about Kevin anymore.

Ellie is the most important thing.

Kevin was arrested for this.

That little brat said it was because of me that Kevin was taken away, and I was a bad guy.

I was a little saddened by him accusing me like that.

But, that's Ellie.

That's my and Ellie's house.

I love her and I want to keep everything about her, am I wrong?

03. Different

The road ahead is long, you have to be brave

The little brat stopped talking to me.

Ellie's house and I can't fly because of that explorer.

I was so sad to see the waterfall so close at hand, I still didn't get Ellie's dream.

Ellie must be very disappointed in me.

I picked up Ellie's expedition booklet, and when I saw the page "The expedition will continue...", I felt like crying.

Ellie I love, left before her dream was fulfilled.

What should I do?

When I just wanted to close this notebook, I suddenly found that there is actually more content behind this notebook.

There are pictures from our wedding at the back.

There are bits and pieces of our lives together.

On the last page, Ellie writes

"Thank you for giving me the most gorgeous adventure, now let's go on a new journey!"

I suddenly understood.

It turned out that Ellie's dream had already changed.

Her most anticipated and cherished dream is no longer Paradise Falls, but time with me.

We walked hand in hand through a lifetime, from greenness to old age to death, which was originally the most gorgeous adventure.

"Now let's go on a new journey."

When did Ellie write this sentence?

She must have thought that when she wrote this sentence, I would be depressed for a long time after she left.

That's why she left such words, telling me that the road ahead is long, and I have to be brave alone.

I've been dedicated to her all my life, and she'll understand.

Ellie has been happy in her life, and now she's going on a new journey.

I should also set her free, and set myself free.

It was as if I saw that night many years ago when Ellie and I talked about her dreams.

Her eyes were shining like a falling star.

I ran out in a hurry and found that the little boy had gone to rescue Kevin all by himself.

I threw out all the furniture in our house, everything I thought was Ellie.

Those are not Ellie, the real Ellie is in my heart, that brave, gentle Ellie can't be taken away or destroyed by anyone.

The house is light again, and I'm about to embark on a new adventure!

Later on, I gave that little brat the Ellie badge that Ellie gave me.

I still think of Ellie, although I can't help but miss it, but more often it's warmer than sad.

I remember someone asking "How to forget a loved one?"

"You have seen a thousand correct answers, and you have to wait a minute and a second."

Wait for time to soothe your pain, wait for time to blur her appearance, wait for time to slowly wear off your love.

But that's really a pity, isn't it?

Your beautiful and splendid experiences once should not be the shackles trapping you.

The fresh Ta you once loved, should not be drowned in the torrent of time like this.

You will be sad and lonely.

Will break down late at night and cry on street corners.

I won't advise you, forget Ta and everything will be fine.

Remember what you can't forget.

But if you can't catch it, just let it go.

The traces of Ta's existence will disappear one day, but the bravery and beauty of your love will always exist.

The road ahead is long, and you must be brave alone.

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