Yours, mine, our adventures

Austin 2022-04-20 09:01:05

I watched a lot of movies this summer, and the only one I wanted to write about was "Up".

When I went to buy a movie ticket, it was actually the first row, which shows the popularity of this film. Looking around, most of them were young people of my age, and there were many couples, so the theater was a little noisy at first. The film starts with continuous laughter, but seeing Carl and Ellie getting married and living together, one after another, the dream is delayed again and again, until Ellie dies of illness. For more than ten minutes, the life of the two of them immersed in each other passed quietly in beautiful colors and light music. At this time, many people began to sob softly, or silently wiped the uncontrollable tears under the 3D glasses.

Before watching this movie, I heard that many people washed their faces in the first ten minutes, but I didn't expect that melancholy, like a punch, hit the desire in my heart that I never dared to show. Inevitably, I silently wiped away my tears. And the brightly colored plot for the next few minutes could no longer erase the sadness - it turns out that this movie, on the surface, talks about the adventures of the old and the young and the pursuit of dreams, but it always implies , The simple life is the truth of happiness. And the reason why the audience cry is because of their strong desire for such a life--movies, after all, are meant to be dreams--this insipid relationship, in this big and noisy city, is getting more and more difficult...

Maybe Everyone once had a dream about adventure, to go to the end of the sky, to the end of the sea; to cross the widest river and climb the highest mountain. But in the end, in the end, most people just keep an ordinary job, have an ordinary family, raise one or a few ordinary children, and finally pass away silently - if Carl hadn't been demolished, I think , he may take all the memories of Ellie and leave silently - this may be the fate of people. People who are unwilling to be lonely have embarked on a journey to pursue their dreams, experienced difficulties unimaginable to ordinary people, and may have reached their destination. The price of dreams is too great, and if you pay the price, you may not arrive at it. Perhaps because of this, many people choose a life without dreams and an end in sight.

There is no drama in the life that can be seen, and the audience will not have a sense of substitution for a lonely old man. Drama often exists in the unimaginable changes in the mundane and mundane life - in the film, Carl encounters demolition. In order to keep his house, he embarked on a dream journey. When the balloon rushed out and the house flew into the blue sky, everyone's hearts flew with it...

On the way, I experienced all kinds of hardships and dangers, experienced the paranoid pursuit of dreams, and experienced the repeated pursuit of my own values. Tortured, Carl finally understood that what he thought was an ordinary life, that repeated day after day, was actually the most important adventure in this life. The little boy explained the theme of the film in one sentence: "I don't know why, those little

things are the hardest to forget." Those little loves that stay together every day. Those little conversations that don't match up. Those little concerns that are accustomed to. Those decades were as plain as water - growing old together with your son. All trivialities, all the sands of life, have become insignificant under the weight of time. Small emotions, multiplied by decades, become the most precious adventures in the world - yours, mine, ours. There are more and more big cities in the world, and more and more people walk through the concrete jungle with expressionless faces. More and more people are anxious and confused in the bizarre world, pursuing insatiable desires. But those tears made me see that people still have longing in their hearts -- longing to find a stable little life in a changing world. Even if the environment cannot be changed, they always know that there is a person somewhere, and I will give you one. Home; longing to hold hands with a person, go to the end of the ordinary life, no regrets; longing to be with a person, do all the trivial things, and be full of peace; longing to be with a person, counting white hair, looking at the past. Photos, memories of those many years...

Because life is the moments when you feel alive; because dreams are to pursue the feeling of being alive; because every moment with you is a moment full of warmth and alive...

This is what we are The most desired adventure.

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Up quotes

  • Police Officer Edith: [after Carl gets back from the courtroom, at night] Sorry, Mr. Fredricksen. You don't seem like a public menace to me. Take this.

    [she hands him a Shady Oaks Retirement Village brochure]

    Police Officer Edith: The guys from Shady Oaks will be by to pick you up in the morning, okay?

  • Newsreel Announcer: [after the National Explorer's Society accuses Muntz of fabricating the "Monster of Paradise Falls" skeleton] The organization strips Muntz of his membership.

    [a patch is ripped off Muntz's jacket]

    Newsreel Announcer: Humiliated, Muntz vows a return to Paradise Falls and promises to capture the beast alive!

    Charles Muntz: [speaking to a large audience outside in the newsreel] I promise to capture the beast alive, and I will not come back until I do!