It takes a lot of emotional experience to watch this movie

Selmer 2022-04-19 09:01:08

According to feedback from people I know, people who have never been in a relationship, who have little love experience or who have not experienced the transition from ideal love to reality, regardless of age, do not respond strongly to this movie.
I have come to the conclusion that this film will not resonate with children and simpler people.

There are key plots revealed, don't continue watching if you haven't watched the film...

The beginning of this film is too long and fast to explain, depicting the story of an old couple from recognizing love to marriage to parting. His theme is that men and women come together because of a common dream, but the reality will tear up the dream. It's a very simple story, but it's very inspiring. Everyone who sees UP knows how much, the old man will definitely want to realize his wife's wish in the end, and take this subconscious to see that when the dream is gradually drifting away, many of his own experiences. Combined with the movie, those hearts that hadn't been romantic for a long time suddenly trembled, so the emotion flooded into my heart, and I couldn't hold back and probably cried.
I said on The King of Wrestling that the nature of a man is to be addicted, addicted to photography, games, cars, work, or music, movies, and women. In short, men always have something to be addicted to, and for women, they always want to go to a beautiful world that they yearn for in their hearts. I am not a woman, so I don’t know if this is out of the only romantic feelings and reality in the heart of every woman. Combination, I have never heard a female voice asking me to pick the stars and the moon. What I remembered was
"When we graduate from university, let's go to Shanghai and Guangzhou together..."
"When you graduate from graduate school, take me there too"
"Will you take me to Australia"
"Wait until our immigration is done. Now, let's go to Northern Europe together."
"If you are used to living in Northern Europe in the future, let's retire in Russia." At
different times in my life, with different women, I have had a carefree time, mixed with beautiful Mood and simple and not simple love.
During this period, I remained obsessed with everything that I have been addicted to so far, and I sincerely agreed to the same request from different girlfriends.
I remembered a song by Zheng Zhihua that I used to listen to when I was a child. Many people in the late 1980s and 1990s have probably never heard of it. It is called "The Lights of the Stars" . One of the
lyrics is that
they don't know how high the sky is or how
far the sea
is. I swear to take you far away, to the cape and the horizon I made
an irresponsible oath, when I was young and frivolous, I
was lost in the dark before I discovered my fragility

. Maybe my irresponsibility can be used as an excuse for being naive. I
can borrow from those past girlfriends. Let 's talk and masturbate no longer.
What requirements have I fulfilled that I promised to fulfill?
I have avoided this problem for a long time, and I have forgotten it over time, and I have become numb.
Now I can go farther and farther, and my current girlfriend also wants to go to some places that can be rented for a month. Many things are getting closer and closer, but promises But it became more and more empty. I recalled the first promise when I was a child. All I can think of is the oath
I made after being spanked by my parents. I said: I will have a child in the future, and I will never spank him
. It's not broken, I don't have children yet... It's still early
but since I had love, my fidelity to my vows has slowly disappeared like my indifference to romance. What kills romance is rent, wages, studies, and culture. Difference is the gap between reality and ideal. But ideals are still alive, but romance is dead. People's ideals are often only themselves. I want to be a scientist, and I want to be an NBA star.
Romance is indeed an ideal for two people to be together. I want to go to Paradise Fall with you. It is the common dream of an ordinary couple in UP. It is also the countless things that we have experienced in public, or will experience. The object of our envy, most people grow old slowly, looking at the yellowing album and lamenting.
But the old grandfather is always slow. His wife has long discovered that dreams are not dead. Dreams and ideals are like a pair of men and women. Together, they are marriage and a peaceful life. Romantic people think that marriage is love. Because marriage is mixed with too much reality, and people in reality think that marriage is a meaningless imprisonment, and this ritual exists only for a romantic purpose.
Watching a revived romance, watching an old man's recollection of romance, watching romance float out of a chimney like balloons can really bring tears to your eyes.
I have so many emotional things.
Most of the time, I watch this emotional film rationally. Although the color of this film is much brighter than that of Walle, I personally think that this film is a grade worse than Walle in terms of picture. And from the selection of the plot, from the marketing point of view, people who are as old as me are the real audience of Pixar movies. Technically, the entire film has not been updated much since WallE. It is understandable that the two films have been released for more than a year. I doubt that Pixar will use the same image processing system to produce several good films for several years in a row. , Now that Pixar's animation has gone beyond the picture itself, I think they have a good book and can make a film right away.
Yesterday organized a group of people to watch UP
, and everyone would collectively make a WOW sound when they put on 3D glasses.
I didn’t expect that there are so many people in foreign countries who haven’t seen 3D movies .
, the short film at the beginning of this time is also very good. touching

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Up quotes

  • Police Officer Edith: [after Carl gets back from the courtroom, at night] Sorry, Mr. Fredricksen. You don't seem like a public menace to me. Take this.

    [she hands him a Shady Oaks Retirement Village brochure]

    Police Officer Edith: The guys from Shady Oaks will be by to pick you up in the morning, okay?

  • Newsreel Announcer: [after the National Explorer's Society accuses Muntz of fabricating the "Monster of Paradise Falls" skeleton] The organization strips Muntz of his membership.

    [a patch is ripped off Muntz's jacket]

    Newsreel Announcer: Humiliated, Muntz vows a return to Paradise Falls and promises to capture the beast alive!

    Charles Muntz: [speaking to a large audience outside in the newsreel] I promise to capture the beast alive, and I will not come back until I do!