The life holding hands with you is my most gorgeous adventure

Kassandra 2022-04-19 09:01:08

The dim theater, the blurred lenses, and the advertisements that seem to be never-ending, all these did not arouse my strong desire, but it was only because of the inseparable complex of Disney that drove me into this bright and unusual place. Patronage of the room. However, it turned out to be the first cartoon I watched in tears in my life. Here, Disney has lost the label of personal heroism and the ever-hilarious funny of Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck, but has added a lot of understanding of dreams and thinking about life.
The poster said it was a movie about dreams, and I believed it, because of the dazzling balloons above the hut, because of Disney's logic all along. But after watching it, I realized that what this movie wants to express is far more than just a dream.

Two children who are equally fascinated by Wonderland Waterfall, met, knew each other, fell in love, and then began an ordinary life. They looked up at the sky together and turned the clouds into happiness among the green grass and brilliance; they erected the mailbox together and printed the promise of time on the iron box; they painted the walls together and hung their dreams on solid barriers. She would tie him a tie of different styles but with the same love every day, until one day the tie turned into a bow tie, and he turned into a gray-bearded old man on the opposite side, and he was no longer young. She works as a tour guide in the amusement park, and he always patiently pushes the car full of balloons, sending light dreams into the hands of the children. And their own dreams were temporarily put on hold. They fill up the glass jar they put up for their dreams again and again, and break it again and again for the accidents of life. He understood that when he married him, her dream became more distant. He didn't want her to spend her life so wasted. So he bought a plane ticket and hid it in the picnic basket, only to find her behind him. Already too old to climb the short grassy slope where they wasted their whole sunny afternoon...

Of course, all of the above is described in the film as a messy clip without sound, but it is recorded in just a few minutes. their life. But this silent statement has become the soul of animation.

After she left, he felt guilty, he blamed himself, and he didn't even dare to look at the "My Adventure Book" she had made as a child. The dream that she once shared with her had quietly precipitated into an invisible bond, and he didn't realize it. And so do I, so when the cabin rushes into the cumulonimbus clouds, I worry about the photo with her kind face, so when Kevin is about to get caught, the cabin with warm memories is about to be When it burned down, I was thankful that he chose the hut, which of course I understood was selfish. But the reason at that time was that people only have a short life, and happy memories are so rare. Since they have them, they must do everything possible to protect them, otherwise life will lose the courage to support it.

Later... I found out that I was wrong, this kind of love, this kind of dream is no longer a joy, but an invisible but heavy tie and even a burden. Because they wanted to move the house next to the Wonderland Waterfall, they had a real dream. Because her wish was not fulfilled during her lifetime, he chose to fulfill her dream. Aged legs back the hut to the edge of the waterfall. Yes, he succeeded, he finally won this belated success, but after that? When he opened the paper behind the childish font that he had been afraid to touch, he saw her love, her satisfaction, and her pride. From the tomboy with an exploding head to the beautiful bride in white gauze, to the kind grandma facing the sunset, she uses all of these to tell her own happiness, which comes in a light and calm way, but is always infiltrated into her bright, smiling eyes. At the end of the book, she wrote "Thanks for the adventures." She knew he would understand that her life was not an ordinary life because she had him by her side, and there were adventures and thrills, and it was better than love The people who are beside you are chanting and whispering? So, the life she spent with him became the most gorgeous adventure she had ever pursued in her life. At this point, what she thinks is so far-reaching and broad, she figured out that the meaning of life is not only to pursue those beautiful dreams, when you taste the taste of life carefully, you will not just leave white water in your mouth like dryness.

To a large extent, what finally changed him was not Ronaldinho's kindness and innocence, nor his sudden sense of justice deep in his heart, but her words. She made him understand the meaning of life and gave him the courage to find new dreams, his own life. And he neatly placed the two chairs they liked to sit by the waterfall, which made us understand that when he pushed out these two chairs, he also removed the ties about her in his heart.

In the end, when the hut she built with her own hands fell into the abyss, he couldn't help but glance at it, but we have also understood that at this time, he did not lose his relationship with her when he let go of his ties. In the past, I cherished this touching memory in my heart. Although the memory of losing the memory will be a little misty, but for him at this time, the beauty of the past has become a possession that he can't let go of in his life, because, with her The life of holding hands is also his most gorgeous adventure...

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