At the beginning of the film, Mufasa warns the young Simba that you must protect all sunny places, dark places, and don't go. That is, this sentence aroused Simba's curiosity. He was instigated by the scar to go to the dark place - the gathering place of hyenas. And this contrast of light and darkness also established the general tone of the whole film - light and light, dark and dark. What Mufasa climbed was a sun-drenched hill, everything was thriving and thriving and his younger brother, Scar, was night, a crescent moon, a group of hyenas, a despicable but ambitious lion Mufa When Sand died, the sun was still shining on him. He is a great lion king and a great father Scar, even if he announces his succession to the throne, there is no sunshine, only darkness, he is always in the shadows, whether it is appearance or heart. And Simba, who inherited his father's blood, is like, carved out of a mold. The same stubbornness, the same courage, the same kindness.
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