
Benny 2022-04-23 07:01:02

The foreign blockbuster series is one of the few that I like to watch. It belongs to the type of American blockbuster that not only can be watched with pictures and special effects, but has no connotation. I think the good thing about this series is that it is not like our domestic film and television works. It always likes to change roles. Everyone is used to someone playing a certain role. When it comes to the next step, the search changes all of a sudden, which leads to watching Special play. . . But this is better, and the rest are the same

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Extended Reading

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl quotes

  • [after breaking Jack out of jail]

    Will Turner: Hurry, someone would have heard that.

    Jack Sparrow: Not without my effects.

  • Will Turner: I can get you out of here

    Jack Sparrow: How's that... the key's run off.