captain Jack

Evangeline 2022-04-23 07:01:02

Captain Jack Sparrow, with a naturally bohemian and maverick personality, walks the path of self-indulgent and cynical pirates.

He has pursuits - the Black Pearl, principles - pirate spirit, hobbies - free exploration, can give creative solutions to problems from a unique perspective, and step by step to control the situation into his own control, and always If you can get the result you want, the final result is not completely beneficial to yourself, but a balanced, with a certain sense of justice, and at the least cost to gain the greatest benefit.

  • Never forget, he was wise and foolish and in control of the whole situation.
  • I will never forget that he was unrestrained and full of justice.
  • I will never forget, he went off the beaten path and had the last laugh.
  • Never forget, he was decadent and sloppy and insightful into human nature.

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Extended Reading

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl quotes

  • [after breaking Jack out of jail]

    Will Turner: Hurry, someone would have heard that.

    Jack Sparrow: Not without my effects.

  • Will Turner: I can get you out of here

    Jack Sparrow: How's that... the key's run off.