
Jayde 2022-04-22 07:01:02

At the beginning of the story, Elizabeth found a boy floating in the sea while singing pirate songs on the bow of the boat, so she salvaged him and took care of the little boy. Miss Elizabeth found that the boy had a pirate image on his neck with a A gold coin necklace, the lady hurriedly hid the gold coin for fear that her father would recognize that the boy was a pirate and caught him.

One day Elizabeth dreamed of a terrifying pirate ship, and suddenly woke up from the dream, got up and picked up the pirate gold coin, and recalled the dream just now, suddenly her father came to her boudoir, gave her a dress, and was going to participate in today's event. *** promotion ceremony. At this time, Will Turner was waiting in the hall with the finished sword. He was an apprentice blacksmith. He learned to make swords with his master in Royal Town. He practiced swords for three hours every day and looked handsome. Will saw Elizabeth and said, "Miss is very beautiful today. Elizabeth came to Will and said, I dreamed of you last night...

At this time, the handsome and charming Captain Jack Sparrow stood on the mast and came to Royal Town. He came here to buy a boat. He walked into the town and was intercepted by two guards. The two guards were also quite funny. The dialogue during the period was as follows:

Guard: Sorry, no civilians are allowed in here;
Jack: Oh, then I'll just let them know when I see civilians.
Guard: You can't go in;
Jack: There's a grand ceremony in there, and I'm really sorry that you two weren't invited.
Guard: There is always someone to guard the city, so there is no need to regret it. what are you doing here
Jack: I came here to see that boat;
Guard: That one is the Royal "Intercept", the fastest sailing.
Jack: The fastest? Then I tell you, the "Black Pearl" is also the fastest ship.

While the two guards were discussing with each other which of the Black Pearl and the Interceptor was more powerful, Captain Jack had already run to the ship, stroking the rudder, looking relaxed and free. At this time, *** and Elizabeth were standing on the castle chatting, and suddenly Elizabeth fell out of breath and fell into the lake from the city wall. Jack and the two guards saw that, but unfortunately the two guards were landlubbers, Jack quickly jumped into the lake and rescued Elizabeth. *** found that Jack was a pirate and wanted to arrest him. Jack ran away quickly and just came to the blacksmith Will's house. He looked around and found no one, and broke the handcuffs with the help of tools in the house. Suddenly, Will came back and saw that the master was still sleeping, the little donkey was pulling the mill, and seeing other people's clothes on the table, he felt that a stranger should be coming, suddenly Jack pointed his sword at Will Turner, took the After getting dressed and ready to leave, the two began to compete with swords. Finally, Jack used a gun to force Will to let him go. Suddenly, Will's master knocked Jack out with a wine bottle, and was finally sent to prison.

At this time, Barbossa and the pirates attacked the town, they kidnapped Elizabeth, and then Will rescued Captain Jack from prison, stole the Royal Warship Intercept, and gathered another group of Jack's friends to rescue Elizabeth. , to retake the "Black Pearl". Come to the place where Barbossa and the pirates live, they are holding a ceremony at this time to use Elizabeth's blood to break the curse. But they failed, because Elizabeth was not a descendant of Turner, and could not solve this evil curse. At this time, because Jack and Will disagreed, Will finally knocked Jack out of his back, rescued Elizabeth alone, and joined Jack's friends He left in the "Interceptor". At this point, Barbossa and the pirates drove the "Black Pearl" to chase them, and finally caught them again. At this point, Will has until he is the person these pirates are looking for, so he uses this to coerce Barbossa to release Elizabeth and his friends, so Barbossa threw Elizabeth and Captain Jack on an island. The island is the one where Captain Jack was once abandoned. Jack and Elizabeth drank heavily, and finally Elizabeth burned Jack's wine cellar to attract Dad's help.

In the end, General Barrington found Jack and Elizabeth. Under their persuasion, Elizabeth rescued Will Turner on the condition of marrying the general, and came to their station. Jack discussed with the general, and Jack went to lure the pirates alone. , the general stayed in the "Dreadnought" and used artillery fire to attack them, but the general did not trust Jack, so he led the soldiers in a small boat and waited outside. Jack came to the cave alone. At this time, Barbossa held a ceremony again and used Will's blood to break the curse. Jack said to Barbossa, you can't do this, or you will die, because the general cannon fodder is waiting for you. , if you kill Will now and become human, you will also die. You should let the pirates ride the boat and kill the generals. At this time, Barbossa seemed to have understood, so he agreed not to kill Will, and he ordered the pirates to cross from the bottom of the sea to kill the general. The pirates secretly came to the "Dreadnought" and began to fight with the soldiers. At this moment, Jack and Barbossa also started to fight. During the fight, Jack suddenly turned into an undead skeleton. The two continued to fight. At this time, Elizabeth had escaped from the "Dreadnought", and she ran away alone. Go to the "Black Pearl" to rescue Jack's friends, but they did not go with Elizabeth to rescue Jack and Will, so Elizabeth had to go to the hole alone. In the end, Jack and Will worked together to release the spell with their own blood, and then killed Barbossa, and finally escaped successfully.

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Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl quotes

  • [after breaking Jack out of jail]

    Will Turner: Hurry, someone would have heard that.

    Jack Sparrow: Not without my effects.

  • Will Turner: I can get you out of here

    Jack Sparrow: How's that... the key's run off.