The contradiction between love and freedom, position and conscience

Rahsaan 2022-04-22 07:01:02

I think the two contradictions of love and freedom, position and conscience run through this film.

The conflict between love and freedom

Pei Duofei: Life is precious, and love is more expensive. For freedom's sake, both can be thrown away.

This poem has been familiar to me since I was in junior high school, but I watched the movie today and the love between Will Turner and Elizabeth Swann confuses me:

Can love and freedom go hand in hand?

Now I don't think it is possible, at least love and complete freedom can't have both. As The Little Prince tells us, love is domestication, connection, and responsibility. Once you tame something, you are responsible for her, forever. Because true love requires responsibility, it is difficult for people to truly break away from their origins, and even many people still have disconnected connections after separation.

I am a person who does not like to be restrained and has always loved freedom. So I think people who are really in love have the courage to be different from other people - that is the courage to be willing to give up their freedom and to sacrifice for each other.

But that's just me - a humble opinion from a 19-year-old who's only been in a ludicrous relationship for a month and hasn't read many books. I hope later I can find out.

Contradiction between position and conscience

Will Turner, who has always stood firm and is incompatible with pirates, bravely stood up to help Jack Sparrow when he was hanged at the end. He said that even if Jack was a pirate, he was a good man, and his conscience told him that it was right to save him. What pleases me the most is that James Norrington and Weatherby Swann are finally on the side of their conscience.

This kind of analysis is a bit shallow, I just want to say that people cannot be without conscience, although it is often difficult for us to do so.

Depp - my love forever! Depp in this movie reminds me of Willy Wonka.

To freedom! To the Black Pearl!

Finally, is there any science student who can answer this physics question, why is there air under water?

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Extended Reading

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl quotes

  • [after breaking Jack out of jail]

    Will Turner: Hurry, someone would have heard that.

    Jack Sparrow: Not without my effects.

  • Will Turner: I can get you out of here

    Jack Sparrow: How's that... the key's run off.