I've seen a few of them, they're pretty good

Douglas 2022-04-21 09:01:05

I watched one season in theaters before watching the other seasons! I also heard about this movie later, the special effects are hundreds of millions! ?In every way, I think this is a movie worth recommending! Its special effects are really too real, and at the same time, it is very burning and very novel! Jack Sparrow's unique style of behavior, the "enchanting" way of walking, various, so attractive to me! Although Jack looks unruly, but in his heart, he has the determination and righteousness of being a captain! One more thing, in the latest season, the young Captain Jack made with special effects is really handsome.

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Extended Reading

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl quotes

  • [after breaking Jack out of jail]

    Will Turner: Hurry, someone would have heard that.

    Jack Sparrow: Not without my effects.

  • Will Turner: I can get you out of here

    Jack Sparrow: How's that... the key's run off.