
Marco 2022-04-21 09:01:05

At first I thought it was a bloody action movie, so I was never interested, although there is Johnny depp that I like. However, the facts proved me wrong again. In fact, this film should be regarded as a light-hearted pirate film with a mythological color. Although the heroine is the woman who has starred in the worst (at least I think) heroine of "Pride and Prejudice" in history, she doesn't look like my type, and she doesn't have the temperament and is stupid. But for Depp's sake, I have to accommodate her. Depp is completely the image of the perfect hero in my mind, handsome enough, and courageous and resourceful. I hate the most intrepid people, even the intrepid ones. Because at least a person without courage and no strategy will not act with anger, cause trouble, add fuel to the fire, and make people mess up without saying anything, but also self-righteous, really angry when I think about it.
And the captain of the pirate ship here is a perfect man who knows how to adapt, is extremely smart, and is invincible. Maybe I can't tolerate stupid people the most, so the captain's cleverness and always winning expression made me completely conquered by him. Hope to see Pirates of the Caribbean 2 and 3 soon! I hope that there will be a woman who accompanies the captain in the sequels in the future, so she can accompany him for me, hee hee!

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Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl quotes

  • [after breaking Jack out of jail]

    Will Turner: Hurry, someone would have heard that.

    Jack Sparrow: Not without my effects.

  • Will Turner: I can get you out of here

    Jack Sparrow: How's that... the key's run off.