
Floy 2022-04-19 09:01:05

Recently, I finally had time to watch this film, which has been downloaded for more than a year. The whole film is in one go. The rhythm is bright and the music is more magnificent.

The most commendable thing is the shaping of the characters, especially the heroine who dares to love, dare to hate, and is brave and witty, which all normal men can't put it down. Those Qiong Yao-style mother-in-law heroines who cry, make trouble, and hang themselves can go2hell. The shape is a bit neurotic and nonsensical, and the gothic Captain Jack has captured the hearts of a large number of female audiences with his witty dialogue and unruly character. Even the captain who was robbed of his wife finally showed his tolerance. Every character in the play is very cute and

extremely yearning to be like the captain played by JD, sailing all over the world and drinking happily with his brothers who were born and died. Eat meat, pick up girls, fight happily, this life is really TMD cool,

YY is over

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Extended Reading

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl quotes

  • [after breaking Jack out of jail]

    Will Turner: Hurry, someone would have heard that.

    Jack Sparrow: Not without my effects.

  • Will Turner: I can get you out of here

    Jack Sparrow: How's that... the key's run off.