It’s hard to get caught, but when you make a mistake, you always hope that no one will find it.

Ewell 2022-12-30 13:23:23

The hostess is so pretty. There is another memory point. The boxing champion loves his career and wins with punches to make him himself. When he deliberately lost the game in order to clear his debts in the casino, he said he didn't know who he was anymore. Prior to this, boxing champions loved gambling, but never gambled on his own matches, but once he revealed his weaknesses, some people would always want to use his weaknesses to maximize their benefits. The temptation was to let him do the boxing he loves. Bet. This makes me very emotional, celebrities are not easy to do, everyone wants to use you to do something, so you can't be easily grasped. Thinking of Messi, for so many years, it has always been the same. Apart from the fact that the majority of fans play football, there has been no negative news. Is he doing a good job of confidentiality? Impossible, if given the opportunity, everyone wants to use celebrities to do something. It can only be that this person is too perfect so far, maybe not perfect, but ordinary. A person has money and power. In many cases, he does not need a reason to do something wrong. It is just because he can, so he does it. Messi doesn't seem to know how good and famous he is, and how precious it is not to do bad things and live his life well.

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Snake Eyes quotes

  • Julia: Look, I'm sorry.

    Rick Santoro: Who gives a shit if you're sorry?

    Julia: What are you mad at me for?

    Rick Santoro: Because I didn't have to know! You decided to have this problem, not me! My world would've gone on turning just fine, but now, either way I look, I have to do something that I don't wanna do. Do you I understand, I do not wanna do this!

  • Rick Santoro: Who the hell do you think you are, lady? Sticking your nose in where it doesn't belong. You were a number cruncher. Just crunch the goddamn numbers.