Almost because of the good movie I missed in 1985

Shaun 2022-04-23 07:01:01

When watching the TED of "How Every Small Choice Affects a Big Life", the main speaker mentioned the plot of the movie "Back to the Future", plus the "Ready Player One" car egg that has been brushed twice, it is considered "Back to the Future". Ru Lei Guaner has never watched the movie because it was too early. I decided to chase it over the weekend and watched 3 of them in one go. I didn't expect that the quality of the movie in 1985 would not affect the viewing of the movie at all, and the crosstalk will not be rotten just because it has passed 30 years. Main Street, it turns out that telling a good story is the core of the movie.

#I don't know who copied who

The most obvious déjà vu is in the second part, when Martin saw his own scene and immediately reminded me of "Terrorist Cruises"; Martin played the alien Vader to frighten George, and thought of "Star Wars", as for the crossing part, that Simply too much. I feel hopeless when I think that this series was first released in 1985, Chinese movies are too far from Hollywood.

#small decides big future

The idea that "every little decision in your life affects your life" runs through the entire series. Martin pushed George, so George wouldn't know Lorraine, so he wouldn't give birth to Martin; George was beaten by Biff, if If George didn't fight back, George wouldn't win Lorraine's heart; if Martin didn't buy that sports yearbook, 1985 wouldn't have turned into Biff's badass empire...

#Biff's Badass Empire

Biff overheard the conversation between Martin and Dr. Brown in the 2015 timeline, and learned that Dr. Brown invented the time machine, so he took a sports event yearbook and traveled back to 1985, telling the young Biff that he had the yearbook He can be invincible, but he did not expect to make Bifu become (but can successfully predict the event, won't it affect the results of other events), not only won a large amount of money through gambling, but also repaid the right to trade, and promoted the legalization of urban gambling. Having established his own business empire, being able to achieve this level is actually quite awesome.

#What will you do when you know your future is awesome

Thinking of Li Xiaolai's saying in "The Road to Wealth and Freedom" that "young people should blindly believe in their own bright future", what he actually means is that if a prophet travels to tell you that you will be the founder of XX company in the future, you will have Tens of millions of assets, what will you do?

If there is no "prophet", you can only come by yourself, run towards the goal, and believe that you will become more and more powerful.

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Extended Reading

Back to the Future quotes

  • [Marty enters his house and sees Biff harrassing George]

    Biff Tannen: I can't believe you'd loan me your car without telling me it had a blind spot. I could've been killed!

    George McFly: Blind spot? Now, now, Biff, now I never noticed that the car had any blind spot before when I would drive it. Hi, Son.

    Biff Tannen: What, are you blind, McFly? It's there. How else do you explain that wreck out there?

    George McFly: Biff, can I- Can I assume that your, uh, insurance is gonna pay for the damage?

    Biff Tannen: My insurance? It's your car. Your insurance should pay for it. I wanna know who's gonna pay for this?

    [shows his shirt]

    Biff Tannen: I spilled beer all over it when the car smashed into me. Who's gonna pay my cleaning bill?

  • Sam Baines: Stella! Another one of these damn kids jumped in front of my car! Come on out here! Help me take him in the house!