back to the future story

Ericka 2022-04-22 07:01:01

Back to the Future


1 begins with the various clocks in Dr. Brown's room - showcasing themes related to "time".
The actor Martin came to play with Dr. Brown, but the doctor was not there. Martin played for a while with the Doctor's wacky gizmos. At this time, the doctor called and asked him to come to a certain avenue at 1:15 in the evening to help.
Martin skates very slippery. He skates to school, but is late. At school, he met his girlfriend and was criticized by his teacher.
The school is going to hold a singing competition, etc. Martin and his band come on stage, but the performance is particularly unpopular with the teachers.
After school, Martin said goodbye to his girlfriend. A black mayor is running in the square, and people are raising money to restore a clock that was destroyed by lightning 30 years ago.
Back home, Martin encounters his cowardly father, George, being bullied by his boss, Bev. During dinner, mother Lorraine talked about her love history with her father again - George was bumped by her grandfather, and the two met; after that, at the dance, the two kissed for the first time.
In the evening, Martin found the doctor according to the agreed time and place. The doctor was doing an experiment on experimental travel. He first experimented with his own dog, and it was successful. Martin was tasked with videotaping him. Next, he wants to ride his own time car back to the future. But then several Syrians drove to kill the Doctor, because the Doctor sold fakes to the Syrians for fuel. The Doctor is killed by the Syrians, and Martin gets into the Time Car to escape. He sped away in his car, which disappeared at 88 mph.

In the second act,
Martin travels back to thirty years ago. He showed up at a farm in his car and then drove away. The car broke down and he hid it.
Martin was back in town—everything was so familiar, and the lightning-destroyed clock was still working. At the cafe, Martin met his young father, George. George is a coward who was bullied by Bev when he was young. Martin came forward to fight for George. And Martin also met the young black mayor, when he was still a waiter in a cafe. Martin's words inspired the black mayor, who immediately aspired to be mayor.
Martin follows George and finds George spying on young women in a tree. George is found by young women and falls from a tree. A car drove by, Martin hurried forward to save George, so he was hit - according to "history", thirty years ago, it should have been George who was hit, so that Martin's parents would love each other and have a relationship he.
It was Martin's grandfather who hit the man. Grandpa helped George to the house, so mother Loren fell in love with Martin. Martin fled quickly.
Martin goes to the doctor and tells the doctor what happened. At first, the doctor didn't believe it, but when Martin showed the doctor the video of that night, the doctor believed it.
But how can we go back? Thirty years ago there was no energy for cars. But the Doctor had an idea and decided to use the lightning as the energy of the car - the lightning that knocked down the clocks in the square.
In the photo, Brother Martin's head is gone, as if it had been erased. The Ph.D. remembered his theory: once anything changed in "history", things changed after that. History was changed because Martin's mother fell in love with Martin, so the brother in the picture disappeared - next, the sister would disappear, and then Martin himself would disappear.

In the second act,
Martin and the Doctor came to the school and encountered George being bullied by Bev. The Doctor and Martin understand that only by prompting Martin's parents to fall in love, history will not be rewritten, and Martin and his older siblings will not disappear.
George was writing science fiction, and Martin encouraged him to write, and he encouraged him to invite Lorraine to the dance—because historically, Martin's parents would kiss at that dance, and then there would be. When George was about to invite Lorraine, Bev bullied Lorraine, and Martin stepped forward to stop him. When he came back, the cowardly George had already left.
Martin went to George's house to find George, who flinched. In the photo at this time, Martin's brother is about to disappear. George said he didn't go to any dances and that nothing would stop him from watching science fiction.
George's words gave Martin an idea. He pretended to be an alien and asked George to confess to Lorraine.
George was about to confess to Lorraine in the cafe when Bev came again. To keep Bev from interfering with the two, Martin tripped Bev and ran. Bev and his little brothers hurried after him. On the way, Martin saw the child pushing the goods. He used the wooden board to push the goods as a skateboard, and he succeeded in killing Bev.
The Doctor is almost done with the device, just wait until the lightning strikes. Unexpectedly, Luo Lian rushed over and took the initiative to confess to Martin.

In the third act
, Martin finds George and helps George think of a trick - at 8:55 tonight, Martin molested Lorraine in the car, when George came to the hero to save the beauty, so that Lorraine fell in love with George.
Martin wanted to tell the Doctor that the Doctor would be killed by the Syrians, but the Doctor would not listen. So Martin wrote a letter telling the doctor the truth - but the doctor tore the letter.
The dance began, and George had a great time by himself.
In the car, Lorraine took the initiative to kiss Martin, but she felt it was strange - it was like kissing her own brother. It was supposed to be George, but Bev came and molested Mom in the car. George didn't know, came to the hero to save the beauty, and it turned out that it was Bev. But at the last minute, he mustered his courage and beat Bev. This makes Lorraine infatuated.
At the dance, Martin sang for George and Lorraine—a song that was disliked by the teachers. Finally, George and Lorraine kiss.
It's finally time to go back, and in a flash of lightning, Martin and the Doctor overcome obstacles to bring Martin back thirty years later.
Martin came back to reality, watching the Doctor get killed and driving himself thirty years ago - but the Doctor survived because he later glued the torn letter back together.
Martin returns home to find that, thanks to his own encouragement, his father has become a writer and Bev has become a laborer. While Martin was chatting with his girlfriend, the doctor came in the time car and said that something was wrong with Martin and his girlfriend's child in the future...

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Back to the Future quotes

  • [Marty enters his house and sees Biff harrassing George]

    Biff Tannen: I can't believe you'd loan me your car without telling me it had a blind spot. I could've been killed!

    George McFly: Blind spot? Now, now, Biff, now I never noticed that the car had any blind spot before when I would drive it. Hi, Son.

    Biff Tannen: What, are you blind, McFly? It's there. How else do you explain that wreck out there?

    George McFly: Biff, can I- Can I assume that your, uh, insurance is gonna pay for the damage?

    Biff Tannen: My insurance? It's your car. Your insurance should pay for it. I wanna know who's gonna pay for this?

    [shows his shirt]

    Biff Tannen: I spilled beer all over it when the car smashed into me. Who's gonna pay my cleaning bill?

  • Sam Baines: Stella! Another one of these damn kids jumped in front of my car! Come on out here! Help me take him in the house!