back to the Future

Micheal 2022-04-21 09:01:02

This should be regarded as a classic of time and space travel. The plot is inspirational, and the combination of comedy charm and science fiction is really unique. In the film, the past and future travel back and forth through time, but it is very coherent and logical. Many details in it are closely related, and it is done in one go without being sloppy. For example, Marty can't accept being called a coward, Biff's ending is always buried in fat manure, and there are always various problems when preparing to travel (the plot here is ups and downs, I'm a little tired watching it), etc. These details are ingeniously linked in Part 1.2.3. Then I admire the restoration of the scene when I traveled back. In the second part, Marty returned to the stage to play the guitar and a series of plots were restored very well. Such a plot should not be new now, but it was really advanced in the 1980s and could be called a masterpiece. It opened up people's imagination for the future and opened the door to a new world for the audience. I believe that many people must have been obsessed with this classic in that era. Everything is inseparable from the original, and finally ends with the doctor's sentence "The future is not doomed, everyone is the same, the future depends on you to create, give yourself a better future!" The ending is perfect and very good. The past is not important, what is important is the present and the future.

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Back to the Future quotes

  • [Marty enters his house and sees Biff harrassing George]

    Biff Tannen: I can't believe you'd loan me your car without telling me it had a blind spot. I could've been killed!

    George McFly: Blind spot? Now, now, Biff, now I never noticed that the car had any blind spot before when I would drive it. Hi, Son.

    Biff Tannen: What, are you blind, McFly? It's there. How else do you explain that wreck out there?

    George McFly: Biff, can I- Can I assume that your, uh, insurance is gonna pay for the damage?

    Biff Tannen: My insurance? It's your car. Your insurance should pay for it. I wanna know who's gonna pay for this?

    [shows his shirt]

    Biff Tannen: I spilled beer all over it when the car smashed into me. Who's gonna pay my cleaning bill?

  • Sam Baines: Stella! Another one of these damn kids jumped in front of my car! Come on out here! Help me take him in the house!