The fruit is the cause of the seed

Vilma 2022-04-21 09:01:02

Watching the first episode of Back to the Future again, the plot is still fascinating, and from the current point of view, the style of dressing at that time is still very stylish. But this time, I had a different feeling. One of the truths I deeply feel is that everything you do now determines the trajectory of your future life path.

Martin lives in 1985, and by the way, I wasn't born ten years after this movie came out. His father McFly worked under Biff. He was aggrieved and resigned. He suffered from Biff's insults and did not dare to respond. The mother is very conservative and forbids her daughter to go out on a date. This is the life of the Martin family, and everyone seems to be used to it.

After the doctor invented the time machine, Martin went back to the future and saw his father and mother. At this time, the two were still high school students. The father was a voyeur who climbed a tree and peeked at the girls changing clothes, while the mother was a seemingly conservative. In fact, a girl who is unrestrained and unrestrained in her heart, eagerly longs for the love of a boy. McFly has a heart but no guts, and when he sees a girl he likes, he doesn't dare to chase after him, feeling that he is not worthy of it. And whether he can get to Loren is directly related to Martin's life and death. With Martin's assistance and encouragement, he knocked Biff down with one punch and held the beauty back. Martin also successfully "survived".

I believe that many people here will think of one or two things about "If I had been braver in the first place", the ending cannot be changed, but we can imagine what would have happened if I had taken that step bravely. Put down your self-confidence and ask the girl you like out; bravely submit that resume, go all out to prepare for the interview, and get the offer; study harder and get admitted to your ideal university. . . . . Flowers have no re-opening days, and people have no more youth. The past cannot be changed, but whether we can start from now and make changes from now. Stick to your dreams, get rid of the habit of three minutes of heat, and move towards your ideal bit by bit, step by step. The realization of the ideal depends on the questions you do more than others, the test papers, and the self-confidence to overcome yourself and summon courage. Every day, without seeking improvement, life will not change, only by taking action and taking the initiative to make changes.

When I was young, I used to think that my future self must be a very powerful person. I didn't think about the specific method, but I was extremely confident that I would be powerful. But until now, I found that I am not very strong, but just a normal person like everyone else. The shortcomings that have not been corrected before, still exist. What I haven't learned before, I still won't. Some are just getting older, but their hearts have not become stronger. And if you don't take the initiative to change this situation, you will find that the days will soon pass, day by day, month by month, and in a flash, another year will pass, and you are thinking, oh, a Years have passed, and it's still a year of nothing. This state is terrifying. You will feel that this kind of life is quite comfortable, and it is good to be a waste like this, in a state of boiling a frog in warm water. However, when you are old, you realize that you have wasted your life, the best time of your life, and you are wasted day by day by yourself, and there is no turning back, you can no longer do those only Things that can only be done at the age of 18, can never go back to the age of 18 to make another choice, and I feel emotional in the face of my wasted years.

Therefore, let go of your impetuousness, let go of your timidity, insist on doing what you should do, and bravely pursue your favorite dreams. You only live once, not for others, but for yourself. When you are old, you will only regret that you did not have the courage to do it, and you will not care what others said at the beginning. There are many scenery worth seeing and many things worth experiencing in this flowery world. Survival is not easy, but there is always a bright color in life that is worth pursuing.

——2020.5.27 Evening rain

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Back to the Future quotes

  • [Marty enters his house and sees Biff harrassing George]

    Biff Tannen: I can't believe you'd loan me your car without telling me it had a blind spot. I could've been killed!

    George McFly: Blind spot? Now, now, Biff, now I never noticed that the car had any blind spot before when I would drive it. Hi, Son.

    Biff Tannen: What, are you blind, McFly? It's there. How else do you explain that wreck out there?

    George McFly: Biff, can I- Can I assume that your, uh, insurance is gonna pay for the damage?

    Biff Tannen: My insurance? It's your car. Your insurance should pay for it. I wanna know who's gonna pay for this?

    [shows his shirt]

    Biff Tannen: I spilled beer all over it when the car smashed into me. Who's gonna pay my cleaning bill?

  • Sam Baines: Stella! Another one of these damn kids jumped in front of my car! Come on out here! Help me take him in the house!