which would be worse? Only the ending. Definitely enough for a 5 star video!

Percival 2022-04-22 07:01:02

cool ending... is the ending. Definitely enough for a 5 star movie.

first. About ending. Various explanations. Many people have different understandings of the film, and I think it's okay.

To state an opinion, don't stick to novels, I think directors have their own ideas.

The end of the film. The protagonist said this.

which would be worse?

to live as a monster or to die as a good man?

Understand anyway. I think that at this time, the male protagonist is very sober, and he has chosen for himself the path he wants to take.

At least everyone doesn't think that it's ok for him to relapse in the end.

Understanding one:

as the appearance of the story. Everything is a script.

After learning all the truth, if it was the same back then, he still couldn't calmly accept what happened.

All, sometimes, would rather choose to indulge in their fantasies.


Which would be worse?

If sober, remembering what happened, killing his wife, ignoring their illness, and killing his own children.

It's all what monsters do, SO, let me off the hook, as a federal investigator.

Understanding 2:

Everything was framed up, and in the end, the male protagonist still couldn't escape this huge conspiracy.

In the middle, he pretended that he had believed the doctor's words. At least survive.

However, he wanted to give himself a choice.

which would be worse?

Live here like a monster, or die as a good man?

Still choose to release.

Having read the introduction of the novel, I think that the novel is inclined to understand the first, but the film, I think, is inclined to understand the second.

Maybe I prefer conspiracy theories.

However, this is the wonderful part of the film. I don't know how long it has been since a film can be so memorable.

Cool ending.


which would be worse?

to live as a monster or to die as a good man?

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Extended Reading

Shutter Island quotes

  • Dr. Jeremiah Naehring: You both served overseas, huh?

    Chuck Aule: It's not much of a stretch, Doc. For all you know, we're both paper pushers over there.

    Dr. Jeremiah Naehring: No, you are not. - Since the schoolyard, neither of you has ever walked away from a physical conflict. No, no, not because you enjoyed it, but because retreat isn't something you consider an option.

    Chuck Aule: We weren't raised to run, Doc.

    Dr. Jeremiah Naehring: Ah, yes. Raised. And who raised you, Marshal?

    Teddy Daniels: Me? Wolves.

    [Dr. Naehring and Dr. Cawley laugh again]

    Dr. Jeremiah Naehring: Very impressive defense mechanisms.

  • Rachel 2: You're smarter than you look, Marshal. That's probably not a good thing.