Lethargic opening, suspense in the play, hasty ending

Sabrina 2022-04-23 07:01:03

The opening was really bad, so bad that I actually fell asleep. When I woke up, I actually knew the plot like the back of my hand -_-, is it that I guess the plot is too powerful or the plot is too old-fashioned? The director should hope it is the former.
The middle section has a bit of flavor, especially when both sides try their best to find each other's undercover until they finally use the trick to lead the police undercover and kill the police boss. This section is very good and full of suspense. There is also the part about the phone call between the two, which should be considered one of the climaxes of the film, but it seems to be handled a bit casually.
The ending really can't be complimented, two words, boring. Especially when it comes to exterminating gangsters, it's extremely boring. I can't help but wonder, if it's so easy, why did it go earlier? The second undercover in the back is even more inexplicable. Until the end, I have to come up with someone to kill him, is it necessary, in order to show that justice will win?

After reading it, I found that in fact, I only need to watch the middle part, and the most word in the film is f...

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The Departed quotes

  • Cousin Sean: Fucking Ricans think they know everything. If they knew shit, they wouldn't be Puerto Ricans.

  • Ellerby: Do you got any suits at home or do you like to come to work like you're gonna invade Poland?