Oscar makes this uproar end

Velva 2022-04-22 07:01:02

I watched this movie very late and read a lot of comments from netizens. Good and bad, it's meaningless - everyone has a different level of understanding, even if everyone talks about it. Watching the Academy Awards, Zeng Zhiwei's opening speech was very sensational - the so-called good or bad news does not seem to be good or bad news for real filmmakers, but it always echoes Oscar and its audience.

Even going back to the movie itself, there's still nothing to say - at most: Oh, I've seen the American version of Infernal Affairs. It is very different from the domestic sentiment that "Two Smoking Guns" is called the foreign version of the crazy stone. The point is that after tossing and turning, you still have to come up and downgrade "Love is a Bitch" from five stars to four stars - but this does not affect the fact that the film is a classic. To borrow Zhang Guoli's phrase "aesthetic fatigue", it may be explained, but after all, he is still apprehensive. This apprehension is partly from the noisy world, and partly from "seeing each other too late".

Fortunately, the world doesn't work for individuals. Even the story of so-and-so star chasing has overshadowed the old sister Furong, which is really "wonderful". Fortunately, this remake will finally disappear, and it is the Oscars and Hollywood that create the haze that operates the banana fan.

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The Departed quotes

  • Cousin Sean: Fucking Ricans think they know everything. If they knew shit, they wouldn't be Puerto Ricans.

  • Ellerby: Do you got any suits at home or do you like to come to work like you're gonna invade Poland?