"The Departed" is quite good~~

Judy 2022-04-22 07:01:02

I heard that he was the winner of Best Picture, Best Director, Best Editing, and Best Adapted Screenplay for the newly released Oscars this year, so I dug it out from the old man and watched it. This mouth. In fact, I personally don’t like watching police and gangster movies very much, escape and catch, the car explodes... I like to watch the "Seven Deadly Sins" kind of policemen catch perverts...
I haven't watched the Hong Kong version of "Infernal Affairs", old man There are 1 to 3, and I didn't expect to see it. I went to the Internet to read the reviews, and said that the Hong Kong version has all kinds of pretentious and coercive things. I don’t think there is anything wrong with commercial films. It’s also a skill to shoot commercial films well, but I’m afraid that commercial films will still have a literary accent. In this regard, the US version is a very successful commercial.
Brother Leonardo has liked it since "Titanic" (it's not a woman who doesn't like Leo after watching "Tai"!), and now although he has a fat beard, his acting skills are really good, who Said he was a male vase and who am I anxious. It is said that there are a total of 237 fucks and their derivatives, as well as countless yellow jokes and slangs in this film. It is estimated that 200 of the fucks were scolded by Leo's brother, and the remaining 37 were by the police officer who finally killed Matt's brother and The other gang members are divided equally. I feel that Leo's emotional catharsis is very real, and his character should talk like this. When I watched it, I felt that Brother Leo was doing something wrong, and my heart ached. The hard work was over, and Igang was shot in the head~~ I hated Brother Matt even more! God has no eyes~~Abusive heart~~Fortunately, in the end, evil will be rewarded. It is said that the Hong Kong version of Andy Lau's uncle is not dead? It's still good for evil, although it's a bit cliché, but happy. The Hong Kong version of Tony Leung's uncle has always been boring to me. It's best to play the gentle boy in Wong Kar Wai's film or the gentle scum like in "The Wounded City". I always feel uncomfortable when he plays the underworld boy. Accept such a little brother?
Brother Matt has seen the famous "Bourne Identity" before, and he didn't feel much. He's a total villain in this film. It is said that the villain played by Andy Lau also has the psychological struggle of "being a good person". Brother Matt thinks about himself completely in the film. In the end, the woman was pregnant with Leo's brother's child, and it was a joy to be killed herself.
There are also a lot of bugs, the most obvious one is that I really can’t see a good psychiatrist who is in love with brother Matt, and the emotional basis for rolling on the bed after seeing brother Leo two or three times; and brother Leo keeps it with the psychiatrist What was in the yellow envelope didn't say anything.
It's good looking, and it's an Oscar for such a film that really doesn't see any special significance. It's really a "respect for the elderly" for director Martin Sykesese, who has been "going to the Olympics" for many years.

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The Departed quotes

  • Cousin Sean: Fucking Ricans think they know everything. If they knew shit, they wouldn't be Puerto Ricans.

  • Ellerby: Do you got any suits at home or do you like to come to work like you're gonna invade Poland?