After watching this film, I fell into contemplation. Is it better to sell chips or sell drugs?

Sydnie 2022-04-21 09:01:06

Today, I finally finished the "Leaving", which has never ceased to be controversial (this translation stalk is old)

First of all, it must be affirmed that Sykoseth is still very successful in splicing the original IA script with the local social context, and the background of the two anti-bones characters added in the second part of IA is also worthy of recognition;

But I have to say that the adaptation of drugs into chips is indeed a bit of drama. The reason is so simple that this setting is too hardcore for a local gangster. How can you think there is a conspiracy to read literature that can be seen everywhere a decade ago On the type of thinking jumping... Secondly, I am not disgusted that the opposite is a group of spies of a certain country, but I am looking forward to this scene. After watching... Where is your expression? ? ? The key point is that even if the characters are all replaced by Russian spies, I really can't see the unique expression and metaphor of the smuggling point of Sycotheska in the background of a certain country (I read the wiki for the prototype character, smuggling arms The object only mentioned the IRA, if there is a secret history of selling chips to the authorities, I can only send a capital letter to whitey)? After thinking about it, is it possible to say "bigger guns won't add your dick size"?

Speaking of the prototype, from the plot setting, the background of Uncle Jack's fbi informant is also suspected of forcibly relying on the prototype, because logically speaking, this extra setting actually created a big hole for the script.

Of course, the original version was thrown nine streets by Scorsese in terms of editing, photography, and narrative techniques: too many to mention two points

——The symbolic meaning of the symbols of the golden city hall and the mouse is a height beyond the consideration of a purely commercial film in the original version

————In the same narrative segment, the voice-over of Uncle Jack’s symphony bgm continued until Damon picked up the phone and stopped abruptly. I believe that the original creator who has seen this scene may blush secretly.

But just considering the addition of these social elements, I think it actually disrupts the logic of the script and the meticulousness of the character relationships. If you think about it, this is actually the biggest advantage of the original version as a genre film; secondly, there is the gap between the film industry. Realistic factors, I think the breakthrough achieved by the original version in its own genre film routine is more worthy of recognition.

Besides, even if you compare it from the dimensions of Sykoseth's own works, emmmmmmm.... The weight of the golden statues in this film is really indescribable.

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The Departed quotes

  • Cousin Sean: Fucking Ricans think they know everything. If they knew shit, they wouldn't be Puerto Ricans.

  • Ellerby: Do you got any suits at home or do you like to come to work like you're gonna invade Poland?