People are really not born equal, but people will strive for it, and that is the most important thing.

Alvera 2022-04-19 09:01:06

Is putting the cart before the horse a bad thing? I haven't watched the Hong Kong version of Infernal Affairs, but I watched the American version of Infernal Affairs first, and it feels pretty good.

Xiao Lizi is very suitable for those who are entangled in their hearts, and the painful expression can really make those who watch him feel his pain.

It's really not a good job to be an undercover agent, and wherever you go, you will see the life of the King of Hell.

Deceiving others may not always be the best policy, but if you cheat too many times, you will continue subconsciously!

Can't say it's my favorite style, but the plot is tight, the pace is good, it's not tiring or boring, and it goes well with afternoon coffee.

People are really not born equal, but people will strive for it, and that is the most important thing.

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The Departed quotes

  • Cousin Sean: Fucking Ricans think they know everything. If they knew shit, they wouldn't be Puerto Ricans.

  • Ellerby: Do you got any suits at home or do you like to come to work like you're gonna invade Poland?