Movies are also acclimatized

Alysha 2022-04-19 09:01:06

To be honest, I was quite excited and proud when I heard that Hollywood bought the rights to Infernal Affairs and remade it with a luxurious cast. I really love that Hong Kong version of "Infernal Affairs". This Hong Kong movie's salvation work should be regarded as a milestone. It has accumulated the love and expectation of too many people, and it has also accumulated countless essence and classics of Hong Kong movies. , this is the correct result. This kind of work originally does not need the approval of others to add color to itself. My excitement and pride at the time could be seen but I was not confident.
Speaking of which, this remake of the American version of "Infernal Affairs" is also known as "Infernal Affairs". The director is not bad, and the actors are not bad either, many of which I admire very much, and as far as the whole film is concerned, its story structure and plot are similar to those of the Hong Kong version. It's just that after watching this film, I think it's changed and it's a lot worse than the original. I didn't expect "The Departed" to be as classic as "The Departed", but I didn't expect it to be so different.
It can be seen that the deep content that the Hollywood producers want to express in "The Departed" is completely different from the Hong Kong version. What they are pursuing is not so deep and complicated. It would make the taste of the film less engaging, didn't they think? Maybe they have their reasons for doing this, maybe it's a cultural difference, maybe it's the American character that this film is meant to conform to.
It seems that the movie is also not acclimatized. Just like cooking, the same raw materials and the same method, but the taste of dishes made in different places cannot be consistent. Such unacceptable conditions not only refer to the movie itself, but may also refer to the people watching the movie.
Several leading actors in the film are very powerful, and it can be seen that they are also working hard in the film. It's a pity that I have already "preconceived", and compared with everyone in the Hong Kong version, I still feel a little inferior. It's not that their acting skills are bad, but I think the changes in the script make them unable to play as vividly as everyone in the Hong Kong version. In particular, the undercover gangster played by Matt Damon has been changed a little too shallowly. The character who was originally the finishing touch in the Hong Kong version has simply become a face in the US version, which not only affects Matt Damon's character. The play also drags down the entire film, making other characters a bit bleak. Could this be the barrel effect?
DiCaprio's performance in the film is acceptable, but he still needs a few movies that he can make to consolidate his status as a teenager. Jack Nicholson - the old drama bone, he should be regarded as a highlight of the actors in the film, Jiang is still old and spicy.

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The Departed quotes

  • Cousin Sean: Fucking Ricans think they know everything. If they knew shit, they wouldn't be Puerto Ricans.

  • Ellerby: Do you got any suits at home or do you like to come to work like you're gonna invade Poland?