What details of "Schindler's List" impressed you?

Macie 2022-04-21 09:01:03

A teacher who is not allowed to leave the ghetto: "Why is it not important that I teach history and literature?" Finally, he left the district as a metal grinder.

When the one-armed mechanic thanked Schindler, he waited at the door every day, saying "God bless you" three times. Schindler was obviously more comfortable with women and officers.

"An educated Jew is like Marx."

When the Nazis were arresting people, a family member wrapped a piece of bread (like metal) and swallowed it (supposedly begging to die).

The doctor fed each of the Jewish patients something (supposed to be poison), and when he handed it, he moved very slowly and slowly, and the patients laughed especially calmly.

The little girl in red is the only bright color in the middle of the whole movie, running around the street like a phantom, and finally hiding under the sofa and covering her ears, losing her color.

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Schindler's List quotes

  • Amon Goeth: We won't have arguments with these people.

  • Itzhak Stern: Do you have any money hidden away someplace that I don't know about?

    Oskar Schindler: No. Why, am I broke?

    Itzhak Stern: Uh, well...