Eight save one, is it worth it?

Aaliyah 2022-04-21 09:01:04

First of all, I don't think this seems to be talking about the issue of eight-for-one being worthless.

Because they also took down several enemy strongholds in this rescue operation. For example, they could have bypassed the power station to find Ryan, but they didn't. The teammates said they should bypass it, but Hanks said, we should go instead of leaving them to the later friendly forces, and the front end fell off. In that stronghold, it is a pity that the doctor died. Perhaps this can also be understood as the sacrifice of the doctor in exchange for the sacrifice of other soldiers caused by the troops coming here. Saved many who came later. Does this make no sense? Of course there is

In addition, after finding Ryan, they can also leave and go back to their lives, but they didn't, and they felt that what Ryan said was really reasonable. They left, what about the rest of them, waiting to die? So they stayed, in a sense, not only to complete the task of Ryan, but to help the weak friendly forces guarding the bridge to resist the strong local enemy.

Isn't this for the friendly forces to clear obstacles later? It made the battle there persist to the dawn of victory. Without them, the enemy would have taken it there long ago, and those few tank machine guns would be thrown into the subsequent battles, killing more poor soldiers, who died in battle. Bo, didn't he also save countless comrades in the rear?

So it should not be said that they all died to save Ryan. In fact, they should have died gloriously in battles with countless German troops, sacrificed in an admirable spirit of responsibility, and sacrificed their lives for the country and saved countless people. Great spirit sacrifice in. It's not just to save Ryan, I can't understand it too one-sidedly. That is to say, they killed those enemies who were going to kill elsewhere on the way, also saved countless people in other battlefields, and reduced the firepower and troops of other battlefields. They are all warriors. They died honorably in this operation and won the battle. It should be the same as dying in other places in this place (such as the login beach, etc.), it can't be said that they died to save Ryan . Besides, Ryan is also very loyal and responsible, and bears the pain of his brother's death in battle, but he has to stay and do his duty as a good soldier, and cannot abandon his comrades.

So to be honest, the purpose of this action itself is not worth it, because this kind of thing happens often in battle, it can't be done every time, but in the actual action in the movie they are worth it as fighters, because they not only save How can it be meaningless and worthless to fight for Ryan, support the friendly forces, kill and wound countless enemy forces, and insist on the dawn of victory in the battle.

And it is the great dedication of countless responsible heroes that brings peace and stability behind us, so we should all pay tribute to the heroes! War itself is meaningless, but justice has meaning.

I have finished expressing my personal views, I don't like to spray lightly, thank you

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Saving Private Ryan quotes

  • [Arguing about whether or not to attack the radio nest]

    Mellish: I'm just saying, this seems like an unnecessary risk considering our objective, sir.

    Captain Miller: Our objective is to win the war.

  • Captain Miller: Keep the sand out of your weapons. Keep those actions clear. I'll see you on the beach.