The Third World War "Coronavirus"

Austin 2022-04-19 09:01:03

Judging from "Saving Private Ryan", Pretty Country is really good at publicity. Most of the time in China, it is really impossible to do such a thing. The plot of "Saving Private Ryan" is that all four brothers of the Ryan family went to the battlefield. As a result, all three brothers died, leaving only the youngest son alive. The general, who didn't want his mother to lose another child, decided to send the army to rescue the youngest Ryan. However, such a thing would not have happened in a normal dynasty in Chinese history. Why? Because in ancient China, conscription was generally based on the practice of drawing one from three grades and two from five grades. For example, Bai Juyi's "Xinfeng Broken Arm Weng" has such a verse: There is no He Tianbao conscription, and every household has three small points. If you want to drive where to go, you will travel to Yunnan in May.

"Xinfeng Broken Arm Weng" records the conquest of Nanzhao in the Tang Dynasty. At that time, Yang Guozhong was in charge of the conscription. Even Yang Guozhong was only one of three draws. After the outbreak of the An-Shi Rebellion, in the Henan and Hebei areas where the war was severely disrupted, Du Fu also recorded the recruitment situation in Xin'an County: Travelling on Xin'an Road, making noises and ordering troops. I would like to ask the Xin'an official: "There is no one in the county?" "The government post went down last night, and the men's line was selected for the second time." In this "Xin'an Official", the sentence "The second choice for the men's line" can be clearly seen even during the Anshi Rebellion. In the severe situation of the Tang Dynasty, there was a strict order in the conscription of troops in the Tang Dynasty. Only in special circumstances will everyone be sent to the battlefield. For example, Du Fu said in "Shihao Officials", "Three men are in Yecheng. It's long gone." But this act of forcibly sending all three brothers to the front line has always been criticized as a negative teaching material-because once all the strong men in the family die, it is easy for the elderly in the family to fall into a situation of old and no support.

Moreover, many generals in ancient China also screened out the soldiers in the army in the order of only son soldiers > young son soldiers > no son soldiers when they went on expedition. Specifically, if there is only one child in the family, try not to go to the front line according to this child. If there are multiple children at home, don't put the youngest child on the front lines. If the children in the family are all older, then don't send unmarried and unborn soldiers to the front line, so that people can leave incense at home. In the movie, it was not explained whether Ryan's brothers were married or had children, but Ryan had no children at the time. As is the practice of most orthodox dynasties in China, Ryan should not be sent to the front line unless it is an imminent war. As for modern times, the armed forces of the Communist Party basically follow this principle. Even in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the War of Liberation, or the confrontation with the Soviet Union in the 1960s and 1970s, it was rare to pull all the children in a family into the battlefield. For another example, there is such a plot in the movie "Earth Shaking", which reflects the earthquake relief in Wenchuan. The commander played by Hou Yong ordered his only son to come out before the troops set off. This is also a manifestation of the working principles of the Communist Party.

In "Earth Shaking", before entering the earthquake zone, the commander orders the only son to come out

Today, China also follows some common rules in the allocation of soldiers' service locations and related tasks. Couples in the Navy, for example, must serve on different units or ships, and try not to arrange for two people to sail at the same time - that is, when the husband sails, the wife is at the base, and vice versa. This is to prevent parents and children from being unattended in case of danger when sailing. Another example is that if there are brothers in the family serving at the same time, the brothers will also be separated, and one of them will be placed in a relatively less dangerous unit or war zone. So, every time I think about it, I am deeply impressed by the propaganda machine of Beautiful Country. The "Saving Private Ryan" that brought all four brothers to the battlefield, even in the feudal dynasty of China, is too embarrassing to say it. Most of the time, a country that wants a face should avoid such a situation where all the men of the family are sent to the battlefield - what's more, with the invincible national strength of the United States at that time, it is far from enough to pull all four brothers. the level of the battlefield. In other words, a responsible country should never have Ryan on the battlefield. Even if he appears on the battlefield, he should not be placed on the front line-you let him be a repairman or an orderly in the army, isn't it also a contribution to the country by joining the army?

There are many feudal dynasties in China who can do this. The human beacon in the 20th century not only couldn't do it, but also made it into a movie. It was originally a mistake in a national policy, but it was packaged as a touching story of "not giving up on anyone". In the end, it was still touching. This kind of ability to have a happy funeral made me feel from the bottom of my heart. The old beauty is really NB when it comes to publicity. As far as the current epidemic prevention situation in the beautiful country is concerned, I can guarantee that if there is no accident, the United States will definitely make a touching anti-epidemic movie after the epidemic is over. In it, you can definitely see a doctor who worked hard for the patient's life to the last moment, and you will also see that under the leadership of the United States, doctors from all over the world have come together to save people. At that time, the beautiful Chinese will be able to brag about "don't give up on anyone" again.

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Saving Private Ryan quotes

  • [Arguing about whether or not to attack the radio nest]

    Mellish: I'm just saying, this seems like an unnecessary risk considering our objective, sir.

    Captain Miller: Our objective is to win the war.

  • Captain Miller: Keep the sand out of your weapons. Keep those actions clear. I'll see you on the beach.