team spirit

Santino 2022-04-20 09:01:04

I am an onlooker of "Reunion", and I was fooled by the high energy of my friends around me. Then I watched the film as soon as it was released, and was "sealed" after watching it. Hehe, actually, I think the movie is pretty good, but I can't say much, unless I'm a big fan, and I'm not, I'm just obsessed with loki.

As an ordinary audience—that is, I haven’t read the comics, I’ve seen Thor and Iron Man casually, but I didn’t deliberately watch all the premeditated movies—I think “The Avengers” (or this one sounds easy) ) is a beautifully made pure popcorn movie, and it is the gorgeous and handsome opening of this summer's show.

It can be seen that the script of this film was determined after countless painstaking balancing and speculation, and the editing process should be equally painful. The reason is of course that so many superheroes need to be taken care of in terms of image building, screen time, action design, and character interaction. They can neither confuse ordinary audiences nor offend die-hard fans. The details must be in place, and the easter eggs must be buried enough. , coupled with the inextricable relationship between the copyright of the comic company, and the super confused account that many comic writers have smeared on the setting over the years, the story of this film is really not easy for now.

The general principle is: heroes from all walks of life are equally divided, the atmosphere of gag is relaxed, Guan Gong Qin Qiong fights first and then makes friends (making friends), and everyone is happy when appropriate inspiration.

It looks like teamwork is the theme of the film, both on and off the screen.

Although I'm not "worried" about the accident at all in terms of the story, and the fact that Loki is such a cute villain makes people unable to take "crisis" seriously, there are still a lot of remarkable things in the whole film, especially Black Widow The two counterattacks were quite pleasantly surprised. Her confrontation with loki is my personal favorite scene, very tense. Thinking about it again, the scene where Black Widow and the Hulk meet for the first time is also very good. As for Loki, in fact, he has the most roles. To "provoke all the heroes", he has to show the history of their grievances. Loki's Cthulhu features are vividly shown by Tom, as can be seen in the Stuttgart scene where he appeared and smugly excited when he stripped his eyes. Hmm~ So, I like Loki and Black Widow the most in this film.

Of course, everyone else is very good, but Mark Ruffalo is still so calm, he can't help but think of the first time he saw him appearing in "Murder with a Knife", and he was so steady and tense. Chris Evans' uniform is too tight, ahem, unhealthy. I can't quite associate him with the guy in "Fantastic Four", and he has matured a lot in recent years. Hammer didn't play much, far less than Loki (someone don't want to fly hammer to kill me). I love Iron Man's knife mouth and every time he appears in his helmet close-up, his eyes are beautiful. However, the overall perception of radish has not recovered from the boring taste of "Sherlock Holmes II". This is the first time I am familiar with Hawkeye. He appeared in Thor, but I didn't pay attention. Pretty handsome, but a little short. Samuel Jackson, still insists that he is a soy sauce, the soy sauce shop manager. Oh, Agent Hill is beautiful. The two main female characters in this play are amazing, and they both look like Barbie dolls.

All kinds of fights are well designed, especially the fights between heroes from all walks of life, which greatly satisfies people's curiosity about the results of Guan Gong and Qin Qiong (the Hulk can kill him with a slap!), which should also be the main task of this film. one. It's the last episode of smashing New York, I think it's a bit similar to "Change 3", and I don't like it very much. But it's still better than "Change Three". Who is fighting where and what, it is very clear. It's just that the concept of enemies rushing down from a hole in the sky is the most thrilling and elegant interpretation of the Zion defense battle in "Hacker 3", although the electronic octopus rushes down from a hole in the ceiling.

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Extended Reading

The Avengers quotes

  • Thor: You speak of control, yet you court chaos.

    Bruce Banner: It's his M.O., isn't it? I mean, what are we, a team? No, no, no. We're a chemical mixture that makes chaos. We're... we're a time-bomb.

    Nick Fury: You need to step away.

    Tony Stark: Why shouldn't the guy let off a little steam?

    Steve Rogers: You know damn well why! Back off!

    Tony Stark: Oh, I'm starting to want you to make me.

  • Nick Fury: Agent Romanoff, would you escort Dr. Banner back to his...

    Bruce Banner: Back where? You rented my room.

    Nick Fury: The cell was built...

    Bruce Banner: In case you needed to kill me, but you can't! I know! I tried!... I got low. I didn't see an end, so I put a bullet in my mouth... and the other guy spit it out! So I moved on. I focused on helping other people. I was good, until you dragged me back into this freak show and put everyone here at risk!

    [Banner slowly gets upset as he looks at Romanoff, who gets unnerved]

    Bruce Banner: You wanna know my secret, Agent Romanoff? You wanna know how I stay calm?

    [Black Widow and Nick Fury have their hands down to grab their guns]

    Steve Rogers: Doctor Banner... put down the scepter.

    [Banner looks down and is shocked to see he's holding Loki's scepter; the computer beeps]

    Tony Stark: Got it.

    [Banner puts down the scepter and heads to the computer]

    Bruce Banner: Sorry, kids. You don't get to see my little party trick after all.