Adventure games for self-entertainment

Keyshawn 2021-12-20 08:01:04

This low-cost horror film using pseudo-recording techniques is about a dead heroine and a group of people go to Paris underground to find alchemy stones. Although there is nothing new in the story, its creativity and ideas are still great. The latter three-quarters all take place in a claustrophobic underground, and there are all kinds of turbulent portable photography and ghosts. This approach is a bit extreme. But the taste of the filming is very pure. His narrative gameplay is like self-entertainment. The screenwriter first constructs an effective worldview, and then according to the rules of this story, after the story enters hell, everyone's heart knot will be mapped out. , Brings death and crisis, but this kind of gameplay has his weaknesses. As long as the heroine follows the setting that there must be an exit all the way down, he and his companions can rush all the way to the ground. The game obstacles depend on the pass code. The ingenuity of the heroine, instead of increasing the difficulty of the conflict, the dramatic confrontation, weakened the sense of suspense that the adventure movie should have

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As Above, So Below quotes

  • La Taupe: The only way out is down.

  • Scarlett: If we find the chamber, then that's the way out. We'll find a way out.

    Souxie: Are you sure?

    Scarlett: I think I'm sure.