This movie is so rubbish, "very bad" can no longer represent my mood

Chet 2022-04-22 07:01:02

First of all, I really watched this movie.
This movie is so rubbish, how did it get 8.4 points, it's all a drag? ? ? Simply tmd insults the IQ of the audience, the plot is really bloody. The doctor in the hole, just knock a few times, and Batman's disease is cured.
That hole, I believe that professional rock climbers can easily climb up.
What makes me vomit blood the most is that warlords can't bear to see their daughter marry a mercenary, lock the mercenary in the dungeon, then release the mercenary, lock his own daughter in, and let the prisoner in the dungeon get his own daughter. Damn, what a good dad.
A mercenary (that martial ninja), powerful enough to destroy a city, his exiled apprentice (masked man), is more powerful than Batman, loves his wife so much, but can't find his wife, he has to wait until his daughter From being born to growing up, he was able to climb into the dog's hole before he went to find his wife, only to find that his wife had been killed by someone.
Batman is so hanging, thousands of troops can come and go freely, and finally let a bitch stab him, thinking how hanging this bitch is, but he just hangs up casually, the ordinary police chief in the same truck It's okay, the girls hung up and served.
There is a kind of movie that can make people feel sore; there is a kind of movie that can make people vomit and diarrhoea; Today, I found them all.

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The Dark Knight Rises quotes

  • Bane: We both know that I now have to kill you. You'll just have to imagine the fire!

  • Catwoman: [holding a gun to Daggett's head as Bane's henchmen approach her] Stay back!

    [Bane's men continue to approach]

    Catwoman: I'm not bluffing!

    Batman: They know! They just don't care.

    [Catwoman and Batman promptly attack the henchmen]